Page 54 of Thirteen Wishes
My heart melted at his sweet admission. But the president within me was filled with fear. “Finn, what about the hospital? I thought you were considering taking the job.”
“I am. Logan and I had many conversations and also FaceTimed just about everything I would need to know even before I arrived. I’m not saying that seeing it for myself in person wasn’t a good idea, but it wasn’t necessary,” he explained. He kissed me tenderly and added, “But that was.”
Finn took my hand and led me out of the bedroom. He grabbed his keys and I said, “Thank you.”
“For what?” he asked.
“For coming to Tabiq to be with me,” I replied. “You have no idea how much it means to me. No one’s ever…”
“Put you first?” he finished.
I nodded.
“Reesa, I have come to care very much for you. But there is someone else who should put you first.”
“Who?” I asked.
“You. I know you think of everyone else’s safety and happiness. None of that should be at the expense of your own.”
He was right. That’s why Jasper had stepped aside. He knew he and Alissa couldn’t have what they did if he’d chosen to stay. At the time that I stepped in, I didn’t have anyone or anything to give up. It was just me.
And I don’t want it to be that way anymore.
I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tight. I didn’t want to let go. Not of him, not of this wonderful feeling. But I knew once he was gone, reality would slip in and I’d be President Florraz again.
Before he could even leave, my cell phone rang. He waited as I answered.
“Jasper, is everything okay?” I asked. He knew the time difference and never called me at this hour.
“Alissa slipped getting out of the shower and fell. We had to rush her to the hospital.”
My legs wouldn’t hold me, and I had to sit down. “Is she…okay?”
“Yes, but they had to do an emergency c-section,” he said.
My heart raced, and I was afraid to ask, but needed to. “How is the baby?”
Finn walked over and put a supportive hand on my shoulder as I waited for the answer.
“Your niece is healthy. They have taken her to the neonatal unit. She had some fluid in her lungs, and they want to monitor her closely for now,” he explained.
I hadn’t realized I had been holding my breath. “But she’s going to be okay, right?”
“Yes. The doctor said this is more of a precaution.”
Thank God.
“And Alissa?” I asked.
“She’s resting. But she also sprained her ankle so she’s going to need some help getting around.”
I could hear how…overwhelm he sounded. It was unlike him, but this was all new territory for him.
“I thought I was prepared for all of this. But I feel….unsure. I know it is ludicrous that I’m even asking, but you’re the only person I can call. Is that offer to come to the U.S. still on the table? Having family close by would mean a lot to me, to both of us,” he said.
He wasn’t calling the president of Tabiq. He was leaning on his big sister for love and support. I was glad he reached out. It meant that our relationship was just as strong as when we lived close by.
I wasn’t sure exactly what was on my schedule for the next couple of weeks, but whatever it was, I’d clear it. Then I looked up at Finn. He was going to be here for two more days, but I couldn’t wait. Jasper and Alissa needed me. Finn would just have to understand, I needed to go.