Page 34 of Thirteen Wishes
Chapter 12
Introductions took place when we first arrived at Alex and Ziva’s house but that was before dinner, and now it all seemed a blur. All I remember was Alex is Logan’s younger brother who decided to move to Tabiq to be with his lovely bride. It didn’t make much sense to me for someone like Alex to leave Boston for a third world country, but he sure in hell looked happy.
But even through dinner and dessert, I wasn’t fully paying attention. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Reesa had said about her security team. Bennett knew I needed some time alone with him, but his wife Zoey hadn’t left his side.
As I stood off to one side alone, Alex approached me and said, “You look like a man with a lot on his mind. Wouldn’t be thinking about Reesa now, would you?”
I was, but not in the way he was implying. “Actually, I’m thinking about Bennett.”
“Well, that’s…different. It makes me think there’s something going on that we have not been told yet,” he said.
“What makes you think that?” I asked, knowing damn well there was.
“Maybe it’s the mystery author in me, but I can sense trouble. Or maybe I look for it wherever I go. Either way, that’s the feeling I’m getting from you. How about we take this conversation outside?”
“I was really hoping to talk to Bennett,” I stated.
“Head out, and I’ll grab him.”
“He’s preoccupied with his wife at the moment,” I mentioned.
Alex chuckled. “Which means he needs someone to rescue him. Trust me, we will be outside shortly.”
I nodded and stepped out of the open French doors, making my way across the balcony. I couldn’t help but admire the view from Alex’s home. It was so high on a hill that I could see the ocean off in the distance. Logan had pointed out the New Hope resort when we first arrived, but I hadn’t been there yet–we had gone straight from the airport to the hospital for my tour. Now I could see it lit up and shining bright, even in the moonlight.
I looked forward to settling in there later. It was a good thing I had my luggage with me or I would be at this dinner in my clothes from yesterday’s travel. I never enjoyed wearing a suit, and the heat here was getting to me.
I took off my suit jacket, unbuttoned my cuffs, and rolled up my sleeves. That felt better, but until I knew Bennett had a plan for protecting Reesa, I wouldn’t be comfortable.
A few minutes later, Bennett and Alex joined me on the balcony. About time.
“You wanted to talk to me?” Bennett asked.
“Have you forgotten what Reesa said about her security?” I asked, frustrated at his casual attitude.
“It’s taken care of,” he replied.
“What do you mean, taken care of?” I asked.
Alex looked puzzled. “I feel like I’ve missed something. What’s going on with Reesa?”
“She was being harassed by some guy named Barry Patrell when we arrived to pick her up,” I stated.
“Damn. Barry just doesn’t know when to quit. He’s harmless, just annoying,” Alex said.
“Reesa didn’t seem to feel that way,” I corrected. “She actually seemed concerned.”
Bennett added, “Not about Barry. She has no problem setting him straight. What troubles her is the fact her security team is not doing anything about it. This isn’t the first time she’s noticed it.”
“Damn it. Who do you think has gotten to them?” Alex asked.
Bennett shrugged. “Too early for us to know. We are hoping it’s just laziness and not more rebels who have made their way back into power.”
“Wait. What do you mean, rebels?” I asked.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about Tabiq,” Bennett said.