Page 33 of Thirteen Wishes
“Dr. Henderson and I are colleagues. It’s not uncommon for us to discuss best practices and procedures when we get together. I’m sure as president of Tabiq, he thought she might want to sit in,” Finn stated.
“That does sound interesting. Maybe I’ll join you,” Barry stated.
“Not this time,” Finn replied.
“Why not?” he asked.
“Physicians discuss things that are not meant for the general public. If I’m correct, your role is to provide information to the public. Our meetings are always held behind closed doors to avoid any such issues.”
“You’re saying that I cannot attend?” Barry asked.
“That’s exactly what I am saying. Now if you’ll excuse us, I prefer not to keep Dr. Henderson waiting any longer than I already have,” Finn stated firmly. He stepped out of the way, and with a gesture, ushered Barry away from my front door.
Barry didn’t look pleased at all, but he left. I shook my head. “I can’t believe you did that.”
“He wasn’t on the invite list,” Finn smiled. “Unless you wanted him to be.”
“Definitely not. He has been pestering me so much about my travels lately. And since I returned from Ireland, he calls my office at least once a day.”
Bennett asked, “Did you invite him here?”
“No. I’d never do that. He’s actually been told not to come. Obviously, he isn’t going to adhere to my request to stay off my property,” I said. “I don’t know how he keeps slipping past my security guards.”
Finn’s jaw became tense and he said, “They are here?”
“They are supposed to be. For some reason they are not as…dedicated to preserving my wellbeing as they should be,” I replied.
“Reesa, if I may, I’d like to assign a few of my own men on the perimeter of your home as backup,” Bennett offered.
“I don’t know about that. If my own team learns you’re here, they might feel as though I don’t trust their abilities,” I stated.
“Reesa, please agree to his help,” Finn said. “I’m not sure what’s going on here, but if this has happened more than once, it’s not an accident. And if you won’t accept Bennett’s help, then I’m staying here with you while I’m in Tabiq.”
Oh, heck no!
That is all I needed Barry to learn. The entire country would be gossiping about my having an affair and neglecting the needs of the people.
“Fine. We can talk about it over dinner,” I said. “Right now, I want to get out of here before anyone else decides to pay me a surprise visit.”
“I don’t like this at all,” Finn said. “It seems you were safer in Ireland than in your own country.”
Bennett interjected. “We’re going to change that.”
As we got into Bennett’s black SUV, my security team finally showed up. “Is everything okay, Madam President?”
I heard a low growl escape Finn, but I smiled and waved. “Yes. I have a meeting tonight. I’ll be out late, but Mr. Stone will ensure I make it back safely.”
I was good at communicating my needs and expectations, but Bennett and Finn were right. Something was really wrong with this picture. Who are they working for, if not for me?
Sitting in the back with Finn by my side, at least I felt safe. And when he reached over and pulled my hand onto his lap, all thoughts of Barry vanished.
My cell phone chimed, announcing a text. With my free hand I reached into my purse and pulled it out. The ID was Alissa.
I slipped the phone back in my purse. If only I believed wishes came true, because I have a long list of them.
“Is everything okay?” Finn asked.
I smiled up at him. “It is now. Thanks for showing up when you did.”
He leaned over and kissed my lips briefly. “`I wish I had gotten there sooner.”
My lips tingled, and I couldn’t bring myself to answer. Leaning my head on his shoulder, I closed my eyes.
What harm could one wish do?
I wish to get a lot more of those kisses before the night is over.