Page 28 of Thirteen Wishes
When we pulled into the hospital parking lot, my first impression of the building was that it had been around a very long time. Thankfully, when we entered, I saw from the shining reception area that the inside had been updated. I felt a surge of hope that the operating room and its equipment would be up to date as well. I was certain Logan would be giving me that tour very soon.
Bennett’s phone rang. “Sorry, I need to take this,” he said. “Will you be okay for a while?”
“Most of my life is spent at the hospital. I’ll be fine,” I said.
When he was gone, I decided to take a stroll through the corridor. I had just passed the nurse’s station when a young nurse stopped me.
“Excuse me. May I help you?” she asked.
“I’m just waiting for Dr. Henderson,” I replied.
“Let me show you where you can sit and wait for him.”
“I’ve been on a long flight, I’d rather walk,” I stated.
“I’m sorry about that, but there are patients in these rooms and you obviously are not a relative. For patient privacy purposes, I must insist you follow me to the waiting room. I’ll inform Dr. Henderson that you are here, Mr….”
“Dr. O’Connor.”
She looked me over again and said, “I’m sorry. I am not familiar with a Dr. O’Connor here in Tabiq.”
“I am not from here. Actually, just flew in from Ireland.”
“And you’re a friend of Dr. Henderson?” she asked.
“I am,” I smiled.
She seemed to relax a bit with that and said, “I hope you enjoy your visit in Tabiq. We have the most spectacular beaches. But while you’re here at the hospital, you will have to stay in the waiting room until Dr. Henderson is free to meet with you.”
I nodded and followed her. The fact that she stopped me and wouldn’t give in until I was away from patients and confidential information, impressed me. It showed that Logan had a strong influence on their training. That was a good sign. It gave me hope that everything else about the hospital would also be in good order.
We were almost at the end of the hallway when I stopped dead in my tracks. A large portrait hung on the wall.
“That is President Reesa Florraz,” she said, her tone one of pride. “Our first woman president.”
“It’s a good likeness,” I said.
“Do you know her?” she asked.
How do I answer that?One lie would mean having to keep track of many later. “You can’t come to Tabiq and not know who the leader of the country is.”
That was dancing around her question, but she seemed more than willing to accept that answer. When we got to the waiting room, she asked, “Would you like coffee while you wait?”
“No. I’m fine, thank you.”
She nodded and went back to work. I had no idea how long I would be left waiting here, before either Bennett returned or Logan showed up. But soon, my cell phone rang and I smiled as I looked at the caller ID.
“Hello, how are you?” I asked.
Reesa replied, “Overwhelmed, but good. How was your flight?”
Small talk. I hate it.
“It was good. I’m at the hospital now waiting for Logan. I heard there is a dinner tonight that you might be attending,” I said.
There was a long pause before she answered. “Finn, I’m not sure it’s a good idea. We talked about this before. If anyone finds out that we are…”