Page 27 of Thirteen Wishes
Chapter 10
It hadn’t been easy to get time off for this trip, but Murray finally agreed. His choices were limited because I told him if he didn’t grant it, then I was giving my two weeks’ notice on the spot. The expression on my face must’ve been enough to tell him I wasn’t joking.
But now, as my plane landed in Tabiq, I wondered if I’d made a mistake. Reesa sounded…different than when I last saw her. I chalked it up to her being back in Tabiq with the pressure of being president back on. I hoped it wasn’t more than that. If she changed her mind, and no longer wanted to spend this time getting to know each other, then this trip would be a waste of time.
Although everything Logan had told me about the hospital and my potential role intrigued me, I wasn’t leaving my country, my family and my friends for just a job when I already have one. Even if Logan offered me more money, that wouldn’t change anything. For me to make such a major change in my life, there was going to need to be something here in Tabiq that pulled at me enough to want to leave it all.
I disembarked from the plane with some tourists. Logan had made arrangements for me to stay at the resort, and from what the other travelers were saying, it sounded quite luxurious. I enjoyed a comfortable bed, but I didn’t need to be pampered at some spa. Give me the beach and quiet and I’ll be happy. But even the ocean wasn’t calling out to me. I needed to see Reesa.
A limo idled at the end of the runway waiting to bring guests to the resort. There was also a black SUV off to one side. A tall man approached me.
“Hello, Dr. O’Connor. I’m Bennett Stone. Welcome to Tabiq,” he said.
“Thank you. I assume Logan sent you?” I asked.
He nodded. “He knew you’d want to see the hospital first thing, and since he was occupied with patients, I offered to pick you up.”
“Do you work at the hospital?” I asked as we got into the SUV.
“No. He’s my brother-in-law. I’m married to Zoey, Logan’s younger sister. I am also head of security here in Tabiq, so if you have any issues, just let me know. I’m sure Logan stressed to you that no one leaves the resort unescorted.”
“He did. That must make it a challenge when you need to rush to the hospital in the middle of the night, don’t you think?”
“We have security escorts available 24/7. It takes some getting used to, but it’s for your own safety.”
“Is this generally a violent place?” I asked. I hate that Reesa’s here by herself. She’s so damn independent and stubborn. Who watches out for her?
“Will Ree…President Florraz be joining us at the hospital?” I asked. That slip was too close. She had stressed the importance of professionalism. This was going to be more difficult than I expected. For me, she was Reesa, the woman full of life, just waiting to live it.
“You will see her later this evening. A few of us are gathering for dinner, and she should be there.”
I was really hoping that we would have some alone time before mingling with a group of people I didn’t know. But I’m sure running a country left little time to escape during the day for fun.
Bennett and I got into the SUV and headed towards town. On our way, we passed many rundown homes - places that I wasn’t sure were even inhabitable. But a door would open, and someone would come out. This wasn’t the first place I’d visited with such living conditions, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. It just never got any easier. Many times people with so little were also in poor health.
“Is this how all of Tabiq looks?” I asked, hoping Bennett would be honest.
“When we first arrived here - Alex Henderson and I, that is - there were a lot more homes in this condition. Things have been turning around and Tabiq now has a natural resource, and the people are slowly getting to work. It’s a long, difficult process.”
Any country needed to be able to function and stand on its own. If not, it would be vulnerable to influences from outside. Reesa had mentioned the use of teakwood to make unique furniture and other household supplies. Having such talented tradesmen would definitely help, but there needed to be more if Tabiq was going to continue to grow and prosper.
Not that it was my place too, but if asked, I would have no problem offering my opinion. What am I thinking? I fix bodies, hearts, not countries I needed to remember that’s why they want me here. With a family like the Hendersons so heavily involved in the financial growth of Tabiq, they don’t need my help. But I still was interested to learn the reason why the Hendersons were so…invested in Tabiq.
“You seem to be more involved than just security,” I said.
“The family is committed to making sure Tabiq can stand on its own, not just financially, but all the way around,” he said.
That was an ambitious goal for a family to take on, even a family as rich and powerful as the Hendersons. But it explained why Logan volunteered for so long at the hospital.
“What is it about this place that draws them here? This is not the only country with such struggles. What’s in it for them?” I asked.
“There are ties to Tabiq. Alex Henderson is married to Ziva who is Tabiqian. Nothing is more important to the Hendersons than family,” Bennett replied.
I had to agree with him on that, but I highly suspected there was more to it than just a marriage and I knew that information wouldn’t come from Bennett.
As we continued closer to town, I noticed a lot of new construction. It was a sign that whatever the Hendersons were doing was working. Unfortunately, there was still a long way to go.