Page 16 of Mine for Twelve Weeks
“We were at New Hope. We should arrive in less than ten minutes,” I stated. It seemed like an eternity. We needed not just more doctors in Tabiq, but wider access to medical care all over Tabiq. One hospital was far from sufficient.
“Good, that’s closer. I’ll have the team ready,” he responded.
He ended the call and I barked, “Can’t you drive this thing any fucking faster?”
I could see James white-knuckling the steering wheel. “How’s she doing?” he asked, ignoring my comment.
I didn’t think it was possible, but her cheeks were so red, they looked almost purple. Placing the back of my hand on her forehead confirmed that her temperature had risen. “Not good,” I said softly. Hurry the fuck up because I don’t think she’s going to make it.
The roads in Tabiq were mostly dirt and potholes. On a good day, you hoped to get through without damaging your vehicle. I held Alysa tightly, hoping that whatever was wrong, the bumpy ride wasn’t doing more harm.
Within minutes, we pulled up in front of the hospital and Logan was outside with a gurney and two nurses. James opened the door and I got out, then lifted Alysa and placed her on the gurney.
They rushed her through the double doors and into an examination room. One of the nurses raised her hand as though to prevent us from entering but dropped it quickly as both James and I brushed pasted her. Apparently, nothing was standing in our way from ensuring Alysa was going to be okay.
“What happened?” Logan asked, as he listened to her heart and breathing.
“I don’t know. I found her on the floor in her room. She seemed fine last night,” I said.
James added, “I saw her earlier this morning, and she didn’t mention feeling unwell.”
That perked my ears up. I had questions for James, and once I knew Alysa would be okay, he and I were going to have a chat.
Logan moved the bedsheet, and her half-naked body began to show. One of the nurses arranged the sheet so it would cover her while Logan did his exam. When he pressed on her lower right abdomen, Alysa cried out in pain.
What the fuck. You’re hurting her.
It took everything within me not to grab his hands and pull them away from her. I had no idea why seeing her in pain affected me so strongly.
“It’s her appendix. We have to get her into surgery immediately,” Logan said. The nurses pushed the gurney through the double doors and James and I were left standing there with nothing to do but hope.
We walked over to the waiting area and sat down. Since there wasn’t anyone else in the room, I figured it was a good time to question James.
“What’s going on with you and Alysa?”
He raised a brow and said, “I’m not sure what you mean by that question.”
“Are you this interested in all your guests, or just the beautiful ones?” That was direct as I could make it.
James snarled, “You know damn well that I’m engaged. Not that I owe you an explanation. For the record, I pay closer attention to any woman who travels to Tabiq alone. And I’m sure I don’t have to remind you why.”
No, you don’t.“And that is all it is? You’re watching out for her?”
“What I don’t understand is why you care? I mean, it is very well known that you despise Americans. Yet here you are hiring one. I can’t imagine that would help your image,” James stated.
“Not all Americans, just a few,” I replied.
“You mean, just a family. What is it about the Hendersons that you dislike so damn much?” he asked.
“That is not your concern, any more than how Alysa is going to affect my campaign,” I stated firmly. Not all my questions were answered. He might be engaged, but that doesn’t mean he was totally committed to Miss Wellington. For all Robin knew, James and Alysa were having an affair. Even the thought was like a knife twisting in my gut. Alysa was a grown woman, free to do as she pleased, but she deserved better than an arrogant brute like James Burke. Hell, she deserved better than me using her to gain information on the Hendersons. Difference is she saw the contract and agreed. I’m not lying to her.I couldn’t say the same about James. “Why did you come to her room this morning?”
I held my breath and my fist clenched as I waited for his answer. The wrong one and Logan might have another patient on his hands. I might not have the military training that James did, but I grew up in Tabiq and learned the hard way how to take care of myself.
“Simple. You called the lobby saying there was an emergency. Did you really think they would just get you a car and not send security to check?” James asked. “If so, then the staff needs some serious retraining.”
So far each of his answers made perfect sense. Maybe they were too clean and clear-cut. For now, I would accept them. But James was on my watch list even more than he was before.
“I hate to admit it, but the resort is…very well run.” Despite who owns it.
“I’ll pass along the compliment,” James said.
Flatly I replied, “Please don’t.”
Leaning back in my seat, I rested my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I didn’t want to think about the Hendersons or New Hope. My one concern now was Alysa. I knew Logan was one of the best surgeons in the world, but our hospital wasn’t some major medical center. Certainly, it had come a long way and survival rates had skyrocketed, but that didn’t mean it was free of tragedy and loss.
Don’t let her be one of them.