Page 15 of Mine for Twelve Weeks
I shook my head. It was never going to happen. No matter what my cock might want, I had to remember who she was. An American.
My eyes trailed up further and any all thoughts of desire vanished as I saw her bright red cheeks and the beads of sweat on her forehead. She wasn’t drunk or hung over. Something was wrong. I didn’t need to touch her to know she was burning up with a fever.
Dropping down to one knee, I said softly, “It’s okay, Alysa, I’m here. I’ll get you help.”
I reached for the phone on the nightstand and called the lobby. Even before they could ask what I needed, I shouted, “This is Jasper Florraz. Get me a car ready immediately for transport to the hospital.”
“Yes, sir. Are you ill?” the woman asked.
“No. Alysa…Miss LaHouse is. She needs a doctor. Do it, now!”
I slammed the receiver down and focused on Alysa. Besides her cheeks being red, she was so pale. Her eyes opened slightly, and she whispered my name.
“Jasper.” Her eyes rolled back then closed again.
At least she knew who I was. “It’s okay, Alysa. I’m going to get you help. You’re going to be okay,” I said trying to convince her as much as myself. I stroked the top of her head. Her hair was drenched. How long had she been here like this? I should’ve checked on her earlier.
This wasn’t the time to kick my own ass. I needed to get her downstairs and into that car. I had no idea what was wrong but delaying any longer wasn’t going to help her.
I gently slid my arms beneath her, lifting her and placing her on the bed so I could cover her with the sheet. Alysa was in no shape to dress herself and I didn’t have time to start looking for clothes.
When she was covered, I picked her up again and headed towards the door. It burst open and James rushed in.
“What the fuck did you do to her?” he yelled.
I could see James holding a keycard in his hand. Most likely a master one that allowed him to enter all rooms based on his position at New Hope. What I didn’t know was why he had used it on Alysa’s and what made him think I had done anything to her. Another time and I’d have set him straight with more than just my words. “Nothing. I found her on the floor. Get out of my way. I’m taking her to the hospital.”
James didn’t move. Instead, he asked, “Alysa, can you hear me?”
All she did was moan again. “Listen, James, she is burning up with a fever. If you’re so concerned, go call the elevator,” I ordered as I pushed by him.
James didn’t hesitate, rushing down the hallway to slam the button. As I arrived, the doors opened and we all got inside. “I’m going with you,” he stated firmly. I looked at him and James was strictly focused on Alysa as though he also was trying to figure out what was wrong and feeling just as useless as I was.
“No problem. You can drive.” Once we were inside the car, with Alysa lying across the seat in the back, her head in my lap, James pulled out of the resort and sped towards the hospital.
James glanced frequently at the rearview mirror. “How is she?” he asked, his voice filled with concern.
“Delirious. Burning up. No clue what is wrong.” I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Logan Henderson’s number.
“Have you changed your mind?” Logan said, when he picked up my call.
“I’m on the way to the hospital with a woman about…”
“Thirty,” James added from the driver’s seat. I shot him a look and he said, “It’s on her information when she registered.”
That answer made sense, but didn’t explain why he still knew it. I wondered what else James knew about Alysa that I didn’t.
Fuck James. I need to help Alysa right now.
“She’s thirty, has a high fever, and is in and out of consciousness.”
“Any sign of injury or trauma?” Logan asked.
Her near-naked body flooded my mind. “No.”
“Are you at your home or office?” he inquired.