Page 8 of Tender Embrace (The Next Chapter)
“Penny, it’s not a date. We are just going out so I can thank him properly for the ride home last night,” I said on speaker phone while trying to pick out the right outfit to wear.
“So you’re taking him out to dinner?” she asked.
“Yes. Well, no. He’s taking me, and I’m leaving the tip,” I explained.
Penny laughed. “Sounds like he asked you out and you said yes. Now that is an excuse, I am willing to accept for you not showing up last night.”
“I already told you, my car broke down,” I snapped, not wanting to think about my costly auto repair.
“And you could’ve taken a taxi here and I would’ve brought you home. But if you’d done that, then you might not have a date tonight,” she teased.
“You’re being…” A total pain in the ass.
“Just calling it as I see it,” she said. “So what did you decide on wearing?”
“I have no idea,” I sighed. “
“Did you wear the black blouse last night like I suggested you do?” she asked.
“I did.”
“Hmm. That explains him asking you out. Told you that you rock that blouse. I should’ve gotten you another one in a different color.”
“One is enough, thank you,” I replied.
“Do you have time to stop by my house? Because I have this red dress that would look killer on you,” she said.
“No. Mikal is going to be here in about twenty minutes and if I don’t find something then I’m going to call him and cancel,” I lied. It would be tempting, but I only realized now that we never exchanged phone numbers.
“That’s it. I’m picking you up really early tomorrow and we are going shopping for a new wardrobe,” Penny stated firmly.
“There is nothing wrong with what I wear.”
“Maybe not on the outside, but I bet you don’t even own a thong,” Penny said.
“No I don’t. I find them totally uncomfortable. I mean why bother wearing something that is like a piece of string stuck in a crack that it doesn’t belong in?”
Penny laughed. “Simple. Because Mikal will lose his freaking mind if he sees you in one. Men find them sexy. Hot. Unless you have an issue with turning the guy on?”
“First of all, I have sexy undergarments.”
“Just because they’re black, doesn’t mean they are sexy. Cotton briefs are cotton briefs,” she teased.
There was no arguing with her on that. I’ve shopped with Penny before and from what I saw, she didn’t own anything cotton. “At least I wear underwear,” I teased back, knowing she enjoyed going commando.
Penny didn’t even take any offense and replied, “Maybe you shouldn’t tonight. Just in case you get lucky.”
“Makil was a perfect gentleman last night.”
“Oh, please don’t tell me he’s another ‘Mr. Boring’. You need spice in your life. We need to find a way to bring that magic back into your life. I know you miss it.”
What I had with my late husband had been special. I was fortunate enough to have found it once in my life. I’m not foolish enough to think it can happen twice. Not even sure I want it to. I don’t want to forget how good it had been with Ben. If he hadn’t gotten sick and passed away, Penny and I wouldn’t even be having this conversation now.
Being totally honest I said, “Penny, you and I are so different, but that’s what makes us such good friends. But we also look for different things in our partners. I enjoy long conversations, and you’d rather be at a concert where you can’t even hear yourself think.”