Page 7 of Tender Embrace (The Next Chapter)
Trisha provided me the general idea of where I was heading. When we got in front of her house, she opened her purse and pulled out some money.
“What’s this for?” I asked.
“You were kind enough to stop and to go out of your way. The least I can do is give you money to get yourself dinner,” she said.
I laughed. Refusing the money was my first instinct. Second thought was even better. “How about you hold onto that money and I’ll let you leave the tip.”
“The tip? For what?”
“Dinner tomorrow. That is if you’d do me the honor,” I asked.
She smiled. “Since I don’t have a vehicle. Would you mind picking me up?”
“My pleasure. Would six o’clock work for you?”
“Perfect. Have a good night Mikal.”
“You as well, Trisha.”
I watched her walk up the stairs, onto her porch and into the house before pulling away.
For once, I was thankful for road construction.