Page 15 of Tender Embrace (The Next Chapter)
When she opened the door, my jaw dropped. Last night she was dressed so…sweetly, like the daisies I’d brought her. Tonight, a lot bolder, more vibrant. Her jeans hugged her curvy hips and her V-neck t-shirt revealed just enough cleavage to make me want to see more.
I only gave her a kiss on the cheek when we had parted ways. I wasn’t feeling quite so gentlemanly right now. I’ve been around a lot of beautiful women, but something about Trisha tugged at me. Made me want to be close to her, hold her and not let go. If I was smart, I’d make tonight our last date. She wasn’t the type of woman I normally would spend time with. Even our conversations held a lot more substance than any other I had with the women I dated. And I loved the fact she never asked me for my autograph. I was just Mikal to her and that’s how I wanted to keep it.
Beyond that, there was one thing that made it so I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Normally I could read a person easily. Not Trisha. I had no idea who she was, which makes it impossible for me to predict a damn thing.
Like what you’d do if I pulled you into my arms and kissed you hard right now.
This internal battle was unfamiliar to me and until I knew what the hell it meant, I was going to continue to keep my hands to myself and enjoy one date at a time.
As she smiled, I already knew I would be asking her out again, and I haven’t even said hello yet.
“You’re right on time,” she said, taking the wildflower bouquet from me. “I love them, but I only have two vases.”
“How do you feel about chocolates?” I asked.
She giggled. “Love them, but I’m not a fan of spending any more time on the treadmill than I have to.”
When we got into my car I said, “Sorry about the flowers. I don’t date a lot. I mean, not two days in a row.”
“The flowers are beautiful, and I appreciate the gesture. I don’t want you to feel as though you need to bring me anything. I am just looking forward to another enjoyable evening with you.”
And I’m looking forward to kissing you goodnight. Feeling your body pressed against mine and tasting those sweet lips of yours.
“So am I,” I replied.
The frustration within my body wasn’t all bad, it meant my body still functioned the way it used to without any assistance of a little blue pill. Of course, going home alone wasn’t exactly appealing to me right now.
“Even though it was a lot of fun, I hope you’re not too disappointed if I don’t sing again tonight. That was a once in a lifetime thing for me,” she said.
“Don’t know why. Someone with your talent should be on stage, never mind singing in a pub.” I meant it. She has a natural gift, and I wasn’t sure Trisha realized it.
“I think I only took pity on you when I saw the look on your face when the other person was going to take the mic.”
“I wonder how much it’s going to cost me for them to pretend the machine is broken,” I half joked.
“I have a feeling they will be very easy to convince,” she smiled.
“Excellent. I’ll leave you to make that suggestion,” I chuckled. She gasped and I added, “I mean you had me sold on the idea and since they don’t see your face every day, they’ll probably listen to what you have to say over me.”
“You have a funny way of getting me to do what I normally wouldn’t. I can’t figure out how you do it,” she said.
“A magician never reveals his secrets,” I said.
“I’m going with the fact you distract me with promises of delicious food.”
Food is not what I’ve got on my mind.
“You’ve figured me out,” I laughed.
We arrived at the pub and the waitress came right to our table with a huge grin on her face. “Please tell me that you’re here to sing again.”
“Sorry, not tonight,” I answered for her.
“But if you see that man come in to sing, I would love it if you put an out-of-order sign on the equipment, at least until after we eat,” Trisha suggested.