Page 41 of Cherished Memories (The Next Chapter)
“Detective Jones, I have no idea why you can’t just tell the insurance company that I’m not a suspect any longer. You have the woman who set the fires,” I said.
“We do. But as I mentioned, there are still answers that we do not have,” he said.
“Like what?” I asked.
“Why she has targeted both restaurants? Don’t you find it odd?” he questioned.
“I don’t know about odd, but I find it unfortunate,” I stated. “Neither one of us expected to lose our businesses.”
“I hear that you’re rebuilding. I also heard that you’re paying your employees their full salary until you can open your doors again,” he said.
“I am. And a key to getting the construction started is by you providing me information for my insurance company. They are hesitant to pay, in case I am deemed guilty. Which I am not,” I said firmly. “And you know it too.”
“I believe you’re not, but as for knowing it, that requires proof. So far, the young woman hasn’t cooperated with us. We need to know if she was working with anyone else.” He glared at me and added, “Or if she was hired to burn the buildings. Both are possibilities. As you can see, that means we cannot remove you off the list of suspects yet,” Jones stated.
“How many times do I need to tell you that I didn’t hire anyone to torch my restaurant?” I snarled.
“It doesn’t matter what you say, it’s what the facts tell. There is no reason for her to target you both. But we will find a link. So I advise you not to travel as we will want to speak to you again,” he said.
Fuck this.
“I have no plans to travel. And you have my number.” I got up and went to leave his office. I turned and asked, “Are you giving the same warning to the owner of QueenBees?”
“Don’t worry about anyone else. Worry about yourself,” he said.
As I left his office, I grabbed my cell phone. I wasn’t getting anywhere and the realization that I could be framed for something I didn’t do, was becoming a valid concern. I needed someone on my side.
When I got inside my Jeep, I googled private investigators in Rhode Island. There were a few in my area, but I didn’t want anyone who might be friendly with the local police department. I wanted someone working for me. I expanded my search and found one in Boston, Massachusetts and dialed his number.
“Casey here. How can I help you?” he answered the call.
“I’m looking to hire a P.I.”’
“What is the issue?” he asked.
I explained my situation to him, and told him everything that I knew. Unfortunately, that wasn’t much.
“Do you think you can help me?” I asked.
“We do have some flexibility that the police do not. I do have to ask. Is there anything that we might uncover that the police will use against you?” he inquired.
“Like what?” I asked.
“Like a connection of any type to the woman who set fire to your business.”
“No.” Then I thought back, but still couldn’t think of anyone. “Not that I’m aware of. She doesn’t look familiar. Her name doesn’t ring a bell either. Is that what you wanted to know?” I stated.
“It’s a start, but it could be an issue for you if I uncover a link. I’m good at what I do. Are you sure you want to hire me? If it turns out that you’re guilty of arson, I will be required to turn that information over to the police,’ Casey informed me.
“Since I’m not guilty, I have nothing to worry about. Yes, I want to hire you. When can you start?” I asked.
“I’ll begin immediately, and I’ll be in touch if I have any questions or information. Have a good day Mr. Bennett.”
He ended the call and now all I could do was wait.