Page 11 of Unforgettable Promise (The Next Chapter)
“Listen, Mario. I’m glad you’re asking…what’s her name again?”
“Betty?” I asked.
“Yeah. I just told you all about her. She’s about my age, and a cocktail waitress. Has the most beautiful smile and, you know…” He held his hand up in front of his chest, “Big boobs.”
Sounded like the same girl from last night. Ha. You’re not breaking the rules. She’s staff, just like us. I felt a little more respect for the kid now. But both Mario and Betty talked so much, I wasn’t sure how they would ever get a word in.
“Maybe you should get to know her better before asking her out,” I suggested.
“Asking her out is how I am going to get to know her,” he said, rolling his eyes like I’m an idiot.
I am, cause I’m still having this conversation with you.
“Good point. Now why don’t you take those tablecloths and put them on the tables so we can get out of here and you can go find Betty,” I said.
“Someone say my name?” Betty asked from the doorway of the dining room.
Mario dropped a pile of tablecloths on the floor and I heard him swear under his breath. Mr. Confidence isn’t so confident after all. I felt bad for the kid. He obviously had a crush on Betty. Now things clicked into place. He wasn’t really trying to compete with me. He just needed a wingman so he could ask her out. Well, that was a different story.
“I was just saying how nice it would be if you were around to give Mario a hand because I need to take my break,” I said.
Betty smiled. “I’d love to help.” She walked over and bent to assist Mario in picking up the tablecloths. “You know, it’s easier if we do one table at a time.”
“Okay,” he replied, not meeting her eyes.
It was hard not to laugh. Mario was tongue-tied. “Looks like you two have it under control. I’m going to grab a few more supplies and will be back in a while.”
Betty said, “Rick, since I’m going to help Mario, maybe you could do me a favor.”
“Delivering drinks?” I asked.
She giggled. “No. But there’s one passenger who seems…sad. I don’t know. It could just be my imagination, but she said she’s going to spend the cruise in her room. Why would you pay money to come on a cruise and not enjoy it?”
“Maybe she’s not feeling well,” I said, hoping that wasn’t the case.
“I asked her. It’s not that. I think she’s…shy. I gave her a pamphlet with activities, but I have a feeling she’s not going to do any of them,” she sighed.
“Isn’t that the cruise director’s job?” Not that I didn’t want to help her, but what was I supposed to do? If she didn’t want to listen to Betty, she sure wasn’t going to want to hear anything I had to say. Besides, if I was a passenger on this ship, I’d avoid as many people as possible, too.
“Well, yeah, but they’re going to try to get her to participate in things. I’m just trying to get her out of her room. Different things entirely,” she said.
“Okay. I’ll give it a try. What’s her room number?”
“You already have it. It’s Val. The one who picked up your book by mistake. You remember her, don’t you?”
Every inch of her.
“Yeah, I do.” I headed out of the dining room and turned back to Betty. “Thanks.”
“No thanks needed. I still owe you from last night. And besides, this will give me a little time to get to know Mario better.” She winked at me and smiled.
I wondered how much of the conversation Betty had overheard. Guess you might not have to ask her out after all. She might beat you to it.
I wasn’t worried about her being seasick. We’d spent enough time on small boats when we were dating. That was what was nice about living in Rhode Island. Weather permitting, you could go to the ocean every day.
As I headed down to Valentina’s room, excitement built within me. I wanted to see her again, and I was glad for the excuse. I don’t know when she started going by the name Val. It was going to take some getting used to. What I did know was Val wasn’t one to lock herself in her room. Hell, we used to spend most of the summer at the beach, so I know she loved the sun and laying by the ocean. But that was a long time ago. People change. Hell, I’m not the same fun-loving and easy-going guy I used to be. That’s one of the reasons I took this job, to try to find that guy again. Maybe Val is here doing the same.