Page 10 of Unforgettable Promise (The Next Chapter)
“Are you even listening to me?” Mario asked as we arranged chairs for one of today’s singles events.
To be honest, I had stopped paying attention a few minutes ago when he started talking about girls and dating tips. I’m more than double your age and I’m sure what we look for in women isn’t the same. The last thing I heard was something about boobs. I wasn’t his buddy and didn’t really care about his preference. I already knew what I liked.
I had it once and was stupid and let it go.
“So, do I ask her out or not?” he asked.
“Is she a passenger or an employee?”
“Yeah. I know the rules, but no one follows them. You just want to make sure you don’t do it on company time,” he replied.
Or embarrass the cruise line.
“So. Do I ask her out?”
What did I care? I just met the kid the other day. I followed the rules. It’s what you did in the military. I’m not in the service anymore. I make my own rules now. It still felt…odd. They said it takes time to get used to. They were right. Maybe I needed to loosen up a little, live a little. “Sure. Why not?” I replied. “What’s the worst that can happen?”
“She shoots me down and goes to the captain and complains that I was hitting on her,” he said.
I turned and looked at Mario. “First of all, if you ask her out politely, she won’t go complaining to anyone. And if she turns you down, you move on. Hell, this ship is filled with women who chose to be here for the purpose of getting asked out. You’re young. Don’t tie yourself down.”
Mario thought quietly for one blessed minute before diving back in. “So, it’s the bachelor life for you. No wife, girlfriend or anything?” he asked.
I liked it better when we were talking about you.
“None. And I like it that way.”
“You’re right. You’re not the person I should be asking for dating advice,” he laughed. “You probably haven’t had a date in years.”
“Hey, I’ve dated plenty in my life,” I defended myself.
“Want to make a small wager?” Mario asked.
“Not really,” I responded.
“Chicken?” he goaded.
I was stuck working with Mario for the next hour, setting up for some party taking place tonight. It was going to feel a hell of a lot longer if he didn’t shut up.
Shaking my head, I said, “Just not interested.”
“No. You already know you can’t win.” Mario puffed up his chest and added, “I wouldn’t bet against me either if I was you.”
“If we’re betting who can be more annoying, you’re right. You win, hands down,” I stated.
“I bet you ten dollars that I can get a date before you can,” Mario said, ignoring my comment.
“Told you already, I’m not looking for one.”
“Then I’ll find one for you and we can double date,” he pressed.
“You don’t even have a date,” I reminded him.
“I’m going to. She’s going to say yes. And when she does, we are finding you one too, and we’ll all have dinner together.”