Page 80 of Seducing the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 9)
"You're pregnant?" Her tone isn't judgmental, but it’s filled with concern.
I nod with a small smile. "Eight weeks."
"Wow, congrats. I didn't even know you were seein’ someone."
Shifting my eyes toward Payton, I wait for River to get the hint.
"You two? Well, it’s about damn time." She snickers.
"It's not like that." I quickly stop her before she can continue. "Just friends who had one drunken night together."
She arches a brow. "Oh. I see. Do your parents know?"
"Um...not yet. I was waitin’ until I was twelve weeks to share the news with everyone."
Hopefully, she understands my emphasis.
Nodding, she crosses her arms. "Are you feelin' okay?"
"For the most part, just typical first trimester symptoms."
"That's good. Ivy and Kane's babies will be close in age to yours."
"Yep. They’ll be able to grow up and play together."
"Yeah, that’ll be nice. Okay, well, I'm off to work a twelve-hour shift in the NICU. Maybe I'll get to help deliver yours in seven months." She flashes me a wink.
I nervously laugh. “Ya never know!”
God, I hope not. I'm already self-conscious about pushing a watermelon-sized baby out of my vagina. I don’t need my aunt witnessing it.
She pulls me in for a hug. "Take care, Kaitlyn. Text me if you need anything, okay? Don't wait too long to tell your mom. She'll want to share this exciting time with you."
"Just another month," I promise.
She tells Payton goodbye and then strolls off in the opposite direction.
"Great," I mutter as we walk out the doors.
I love my aunt, but I know better. It's only a matter of time before the entire town knows.
My heart rapidly races, and I know Kaitlyn is having an internal meltdown. We get in the truck and sit in silence, staring at the hospital's front doors.
Kaitlyn eventually turns to me. “There is no way we can wait another month to tell my parents. Aunt River might be able to keep a secret, but I know she’ll slip, and Uncle Alex will proudly tell everyone. I can’t have them finding out from him. I should tell them today.”
I suck in a breath because I wasn’t fully ready or prepared to talk to Jackson and Kiera yet. I thought we’d have more time, but I know she’s right. She wouldn’t want her parents finding out the news through town gossip.
She pinches the bridge of her nose. “Why did we have to run into her today of all days?”
I grab her hand and squeeze. “Everything happens for a reason. I’m sure it’ll be okay.”
Kaitlyn rolls her eyes. “It’s just bad timing on my part. But it’s not like I can keep my pregnancy a secret for very long anyway. I’m already starting to notice the changes in my body and the way my riding pants are fitting. Or rather, not fitting.”
“So to the training facility we go?” I ask, starting the truck and heading toward the ranch.