Page 79 of Seducing the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 9)
"I'm Analisa, and I'll be doing your ultrasound today. I just need you to remove your bottoms and put this sheet around your waist. Since you're still in the first trimester, a transvaginal ultrasound will help us get a better picture."
As soon as she leaves, Payton once again gives me privacy, then helps cover everything below the waist with the sheet.
"It's startin' to feel real," he whispers.
"Yeah, I'm excited to get pictures."
"Me too. It's gonna look like a little blueberry."
He chuckles. "Our little berry."
Analisa knocks before entering, then sits on the stool next to me. Payton stands on the other side of the bed, waiting and watching.
"If your husband wants a better look at the screen, he can stand over here."
"Oh, we're not married," I blurt out. "We're friends."
I don't know why I felt the need to reiterate that, but the moment I see her eyes light up and her gaze slide across his body, I regret my words.
"I'm the father, though," Payton clarifies.
"Oh. I’m sure she appreciates your support."
Is she kidding me right now?
I narrow my eyes at her but bite my tongue. Payton adjusts his stance like he’s ready to hold me back, but I stay put. I don’t need reassurance from her or anyone because I know how much Payton cares about me.
I reach over and take his hand.
"Here's the heartbeat," she says just as a loud fluttering echoes throughout the room.
We watch the screen, and my emotions begin to bubble over. I’ve been hormonal all day, but seeing the flicker on the screen and hearing the strong heartbeat is what I needed.
I look at Payton, and he shoots me a wink, then squeezes my fingers. The small flutter on the screen looks like a weird blob, but I’ve never been so happy to see anything in my life.
"I'm going to do a few measurements for the doctor, and then I can print off some photos for you."
"Great, thanks," I tell her and wipe away my tears of joy.
Another ten minutes pass before she hands us three photos and congratulates us.
Once I'm dressed, we exit the room and head toward the parking lot.
"I can't believe how small it looks," I mutter, squinting at the tiny bean.
"Small in size, large in attitude," Payton teases.
"Ha ha," I muse.
"Kaitlyn! Payton!"
My head pops up, and my heart drops when I see River coming toward us. I try to hide the ultrasound pictures, but it's too late. She's already noticed.
"Something you wanna share?" She eyes my hand curiously.
"Only if you can keep it to yourself?"
Wishful thinking on my part.