Page 57 of Kiss the Girl
The days that followed were somewhat idyllic and unlike anything Savannah had ever known. She and Jackson had yet to have another entire night to themselves, but the time they did have together was just that much more special because of it.
The spa, Alloro, had opened with a lot of fanfare and it felt good to be a part of something so special. Parker’s entire family had come out to support her—along with her fiancé and their dog—and there was food and flowers and balloons and champagne. Then, throughout the day, there was a steady stream of Coleman and Bishop family and friends and Savannah got a good feel for what it was going to be like at Susannah’s place this coming weekend.
Cash was holding his own, which was kind of amazing. She couldn’t say that he was getting stronger or rallying, but he was doing okay and keeping up with his usual daily routine without getting overly exhausted.
That was a win in her book.
She knew better than to get her hopes up; after all, her own father had seemed fine until two days before he died.
With a shaky sigh, she reminded herself not to go there—not now. The time would get here soon enough.
“Savannah, can you handle a facial today at four?” Georgia asked as she breezed into the breakroom. “I know you usually leave for the day by then, but I was hoping you wouldn’t mind.”
Georgia normally didn’t ask things quite so nicely, but…
“Sure. That won’t be a problem. I’ll just text Cash and let him know.” When she went to reach for her phone, Georgia sat down beside her and stopped her.
“The client is Jackson’s mother, Grace,” she explained softly, like this was some kind of secret.
“If you’re not comfortable with this…”
Shrugging, Savannah looked at her like she was crazy. “Why wouldn’t I be? I’ve met pretty much all of the Colemans and from what I understand, she and Cash have spoken and it’s her decision not to go and see him right now.”
“Mmm…I think it’s odd. She spent plenty of time with him the last time he was in town. You’d think that now that the man is obviously in his last days that she wouldn’t wait. It seems mean and maybe a little petty to put that kind of stress on him.”
It took a moment for her to realize that Georgia was…engaging with her and, perhaps, genuinely concerned about Cash.
“Everyone handles this kind of loss differently,” she said carefully, wanting to be sure she wasn’t misreading the situation. “With Cash and Grace, there is a lot of history. Good and bad. Perhaps Grace is feeling a sense of denial—that if she doesn’t come to see him and doesn’t have that…you know…farewell conversation—that maybe he won’t die.” With a sad smile, she went on. “There’s also a feeling that we have to say we forgive when maybe we don’t or we look to give the dying person some peace when we’re struggling to find it ourselves. I know they’ve talked on the phone once since we’ve been here, but…he didn’t want to push.”
“But he wants to see her,” Georgia stated.
“Of course he does. As much as no one may want to believe it, he loves Grace. Always has, according to him. He just…” Stopping herself, she realized she was talking out of turn. It wasn’t her place to share such private information.
“He just…?”
“I don’t think it’s right for me to speak for him. All I’ll say is that he’s done nothing but praise her and the job she did in raising their boys. He’s so proud of all of them.”
Then she waited for Georgia to maybe get snippy or condemn her for not sharing what she knew, but instead, she reached out and patted Savannah gently on the hand. “I think my cousin is very fortunate.”
“You do?”
She nodded. “You obviously care about him very much and it’s incredibly sweet how you don’t want to gossip about him.” She laughed softly. “Unlike the rest of us, who seem to thrive on talking when we shouldn’t.” Her expression went a little mischievous. “Or maybe it’s just me.”
And right there in that moment, Savannah found that maybe there was hope for Georgia Bishop after all.
But she still would be happy to deal with her in small doses.
“Can I ask you something?”
Georgia nodded.
“Is Grace coming in because she truly wants a facial, or is this some sort of ploy to get me to talk about Cash?”
“Well, we might have really talked you up to her and I think she’s more interested in you as Jackson’s girlfriend,” she said with a genuine smile.