Page 25 of Kiss the Girl
And then her hands were on him and he stopped thinking all together except for,“Damn, that feels good.”
Uh-oh…this feels a little too good…
Yeah, certain parts of him were thoroughly enjoying this and if she asked him to roll over right now, he’d be embarrassed as hell.
So, for however long this massage thing went on, he forced himself not to think of it as Savannah touching him and whenever that didn’t work, he tried to think about his mother, his brothers, Parker, his dad…
That last one worked the best to kill his raging hard-on, and after a little while, he actually did relax. He didn’t realize just how tense he was until it was all being worked out of him.
There was no way he’d ever admit this to Parker; he’d never hear the end of it.
At some point, she asked him to roll over and scoot down so his head was away from the weird circle pillow and resting on the bed.
This was it.
This was the moment of truth.
She was going to see his face and he was going to see hers and…she pulled up the blanket—away from his body, essentially creating a wall between them.
He rolled over and moved to where she had instructed and gruffly told her so.
Then he held his breath and waited for the blanket to come back down so he could see her.
Those brown eyes were comically wide and he heard her soft gasp, but other than that, she didn’t say a word or acknowledge that she recognized him.
O-kay…maybe I imagined the chemistry…the attraction?
Closing his eyes, he let Savannah finish the massage and found that he couldn’t quite relax now. His mind was spinning with how he could have misread the situation. They’d laughed and had fun and even if she wasn’t into him, she could have at least smiled at him when she realized it was him she’d been rubbing her hands all over for the last thirty minutes or so!
By the time she was done, he had about a dozen questions ready to fire off at her, but when she said, “You can take your time getting dressed and Parker will meet you by the front desk,” Jackson could tell she was across the room and by the door.
Sure enough, when he opened his eyes and sat up, she was slipping out and the door was closing.
“Son of a bitch,” he whispered, hopping off the bed.
And almost fell flat on his face because he felt exactly like a wet noodle.
“Just add it to the list of things not to tell Parker,” he grumbled as he reached for his pants. His skin was a little greasy from the oils she used on him, so he couldn’t get dressed quite as quickly as he wanted to. But as soon as his clothes were back on, he nearly ripped the door off its hinges in an attempt to find where Savannah went.
Then he realized he needed to take a moment and calm down. He wasn’t mad at her—per se—and if he went running after her, he knew that any attraction she might have felt would definitely be gone. So, after letting out a long breath, he casually made his way to the front desk where he found his cousin waiting for him with a big smile on her face.
“So? Was I right? Was it fabulous?” she asked, her tone beyond hopeful.
“It was fine,” he replied as he looked around.
Parker seemed to follow his gaze. “Is something wrong?”
“Yeah…I mean, no. I mean…” He groaned. “I’d like to meet the therapist who just worked on me.”
She eyed him suspiciously. “Why?”
“To thank her and to…uh…” He reached for his wallet. “To pay!”
“I told you it was on the house.”
Damn, he’d forgotten about that.