Page 75 of First (Betrothed 5)
“What did you say?”
“That I missed him.” Oh god, the shame. Chasing a man who didn’t want me wasn’t me. I had too much pride for that shit. But this man…was the man.
“Did he say anything back?”
I shook my head.
Her eyes flashed with sympathy. “Damien is a good friend and I love him dearly, but don’t waste your time on him. If a man drops you like that, walk away. I know it’s hard but…you deserve better. You’re gorgeous, Anna. You’re smart, outgoing, everything a man would want.”
“Has he said anything about me?” I hated myself for asking.
She shook her head. “I mentioned that you’d told me you stopped seeing each other, and he didn’t say much…just that it didn’t work out. That was the end of it.”
Just like that? And he moved on?
“Damien has never been a one-woman kind of guy. He saw you for so long, I thought this time it was different. But I guess not. I’m not trying to make you feel worse. I’m trying to help you.”
“I know.”
“And I care about you, so I don’t want to see you suffer. You’re too good of a catch.”
I gave a weak smile. “Thanks… I appreciate that.”
I was sitting on the couch when a knock sounded on the door.
I was enjoying a bottle of wine by myself, along with cheese and crackers. The spread made it seem like I was entertaining, but nope…it was all just for me.
After I got to my feet, my heart started to race because I hoped it was Damien, that something had snapped in his head and he realized he wanted to see me again. It was what I wanted more than anything…and I couldn’t control the impulse.
When I looked through the peephole, I was disappointed.
It was Liam.
Now that he knew I was depressed and alone, he’d started to come around again.
I opened the door but stayed in the doorway so he wouldn’t come inside.
He read the irritated look on my face. “I come in peace.”
“And what peaceful offering do you bring?”
“Dinner?” He was in a long-sleeved black t-shirt, the color a stark contrast against his fair skin. His blue eyes seemed harmless, soft like they used to be.
“I had dinner.”
He glanced over my shoulder and saw the wine and cheese. “That doesn’t constitute dinner.”
“You know I’m not a big eater.”
“Come on.” He stepped back. “You should get out of the house.”
I eyed him suspiciously.
“It’s just dinner, Anna.”
I didn’t know why I agreed. Maybe it was loneliness. Maybe it was because I’d stopped caring. “Alright…”
I got to pick the restaurant, so we went somewhere casual, a little bistro close to my apartment. We sat across from each other at the small table near the window, sharing my favorite bottle of wine while we both ordered salads.
Liam kept the conversation light, asking about work and what I’d seen on TV lately.
But I knew it was coming.
“Did he text you back?”
There it was. “No.”
He didn’t hide his relief. His response was subtle, but I knew him well enough to detect all the little expressions he made. “Seeing anyone else?”
I didn’t want to meet someone else and start over. He would probably be bad in bed like most of the others. That was way too much work, and I was exhausted. I wasn’t looking for my next husband, but I wasn’t looking to waste my time either. And every man I met was a waste of time—except Damien. “No.”
“I’m not seeing anyone either.”
I pushed the kale around on my plate because I was full. Now I just played with my food so I had something to do. “I didn’t ask.”
0“But I wanted you to know…if you ever want to stop by.”
Did he just invite me over to screw? My eyes lifted at his absurdity.
“It seemed like that was what you were interested in, something casual and easy, and I can provide that. And you know exactly what to expect…” He sat with his arms on the table, holding my gaze without a hint of shame. “It’s better than being disappointed over and over, right?”
Ain’t that the truth.
“At least, that’s what women tell me…”
I wasn’t jealous, but I didn’t like thinking about all the women he was screwing. “Have you been fighting lately?” I sidestepped the awkward conversation and moved on.
He let it go. “No. But I’ve been working out a lot.”
“I can tell.”
“You could tell better if I weren’t wearing clothes.”
Now I shot him a pissed look.
He smiled like he enjoyed getting under my skin. “Just saying…”
“I’m not going to sleep with you, Liam.”
“Why not?” he asked. “You’re lonely. I’m lonely.”
“Our relationship is already so complicated.”
“Then what’s the harm?” He dropped his smile and stared at me with that intense expression, just the way he did before he cornered me and ripped off my blouse. It’d been a long time since we’d been together, but those things hadn’t changed.