Page 74 of First (Betrothed 5)
Heath sat on the wooden throne, skulls carved into the black wood, his knees far apart and his slouched frame sunk into the large chair. His elbow was on one armrest, and he stared at me with a sense of boredom.
I dropped my bag of money on the ground. My men did the same.
It was dead silent as Heath stared at me, all the men holding their breaths to see what their leader would do. He was still as a statue, frozen in that seat. His fingers rested across his lips as he stared at me with those crystal-blue eyes, like a predator deciding what to do with his prey.
He finally dropped his fingers from his lips. “I’m glad you changed your attitude.”
Oh, my attitude was exactly the same.
His hands pushed against the armrests, and he rose to his feet. “I’m sorry it had to be this way, but you know how it is. Just business.” He stepped toward me, his tattoos running down both forearms.
“It’s all there—past and present royalties.” I had more money than I knew what to do with, but handing over this much cash made bile flood into my mouth. I’d violated my principles, caved to an opponent when I’d never done it before. I bent the knee when I shouldn’t have to, and that wounded my pride.
“I’m sure it is.” When he stopped in front of me, a vicious smile entered his expression, as if he was enjoying every single moment of this. “I look forward to our new partnership.” He extended his hand to mine.
I saw the skull diamond sitting on his ring finger, the same one Balto wore. It was enormous, rumored to be the most expensive diamond in the world. It was pristine, flawless, and uniquely carved into the special ring. The twins wore the same ring but on different hands. It was the only way to tell them apart—because Balto used it as his wedding ring.
Heath waited for me to take his hand. “I like you, Damien. So, I hope this is real, that you take my mercy with gratitude. Because if it’s not…I know Balto won’t help you. And your father isn’t the only person in your heart.”
He’d just threatened me—again. How could I take his hand after that?
His eyes drilled into my face as he waited. “I’m not a patient man.”
I finally sealed the deal and made the gesture.
He squeezed my hand hard, threatening my wrist bone.
I gripped him just as tightly.
He smiled before he dropped his hand. “I’ll see you next month. And don’t lie about your numbers. I’ll know.” He moved back to his throne and sagged into the chair, his hands returning to the armrests.
I wanted to kill this smug son of a bitch.
I motioned for my men to leave. We turned around and headed to the stairs, showing all the men that their leader prevailed—again.
Like I had a target in my back, Heath fired off a last shot. “Give my best to your father, would you?” Humor was in his voice, getting his revenge after I’d humiliated him with Balto. Maybe he wouldn’t hurt me, but he would make this relationship as difficult as possible.
I halted on the spot but didn’t turn around. I had to close my eyes and let the rage circulate through my body then escape as breath. If I responded to the taunt, I’d end up dead. I had no chance here.
Keep walking, Damien. Hades’s voice came into my head.
I sighed and kept going.
My time would come…soon enough.
A week had passed since I’d stupidly texted him.
God, I seemed desperate.
But I was desperate…for one man. I could go back to my ex-husband or find someone else, but that wasn’t what I wanted.
I wanted Damien.
Like always, I sat at my desk and let my thoughts drift into the past, when we’d made love on the couch while the fire burned in the hearth. I was on his lap, slowly riding his bare length as I looked into those intense eyes.
I wanted to do that every night.
“Anna?” Sofia stood on the other side of my desk, slowly waving her hand in front of my face.
“Oh, sorry.” I snapped out of it, missing the heat of the flames the second I was pulled from the memory.
“Where were you?”
“You know…thinking about my grocery list.”
Sofia didn’t seem to believe me, but she didn’t call me out on it. “How have you been?”
Sofia lowered herself into the chair. “Honestly, you look just as pale as you did three weeks ago.”
It’d been three weeks? It felt like a day. It felt like he’d just let me go. “Yeah…it’s been rough.”
“Have you talked to him?”
I wanted to keep my secret because I was embarrassed, but he could tell her at any time. “I did something stupid. I went out, had a couple of drinks, and then texted him…”