Page 23 of His Rebel
If someone goes after mybambola,they will die.
He is also responsible for McKenna’s attack in the alley and the one on me that night. With that thought, I grab the sledgehammer. I slip my jacket off my shoulders and remove my white shirt. Both are splattered with blood already, but I’m going to work up a sweat. An evil thought comes to my mind.
“Car battery and jumper cables,” I order a guard standing off to the side. My father grins and actually starts to laugh.
“Oh, Trevor, you’ve pissed him off now. Why don’t’ you tell us what we want to know. Why did you kill the Rossis?” Trevor stays silent, just hanging there.
I walk over to the brick wall he’s strung against and my head cocks to the side. I pull back and pretend I’m going to take out his knee. He flinches and I smile.
“Trevor, this might hurt a little.” I chuckle and swing the sledgehammer back and to the side, slamming it into his foot and shattering the bones. He screams and blood seeps from his mouth. Proof he’s biting his tongue to not speak.
“Who are you protecting? You killed your prior Capo, the man who made you a lieutenant, and yet you didn’t avenge them. Why? Who do you work for?”
My father and I are both on the same page, someone else is in charge. I move to the other side and line up. He still doesn’t speak, and I shatter the other foot.
The night progresses with me shattering both of his legs. He’s lost consciousness several times, and our men throw buckets of water on him to wake him up. I’ve even brought out the lye to pour over his wounds. He begs for mercy but doesn’t tell us what we want to know.
I’m missing sleeping with mybambolaand I’m not happy. In a matter of hours, she will be my wife and I haven’t secured our future. I’ve finally had enough, and I direct the men to place the battery on the cart near his body. They attach the jumper cables to his nuts, and I watch as horror crosses his face. I don’t warn him as the first jolt of electricity electrifies him, burning a spot on the delicate tissue.
“Are you going to talk?”
He shakes his head no.
I look out over the yard, my eyes gritty from lack of sleep, but I won’t stop until McKenna is safe. With him still strapped to the battery but no electricity running to him, I pull my knife from my back and slide it down his chest, cutting a long line.
“Save yourself some more pain. Tell me what I want to know. Why?”
“Because we needed to secure a chance to take over the organization,” he mumbles, and my father and I are shocked.
“A Lupo heir. It’s why we got rid of the illegitimate child.” He drops the bomb in the room and my knife flashes out, stabbing him in the side. It won’t kill him, but he still cries out.
“Why?” I yell, and my father is up and moving toward me. “What did you do to Luna?”
He raises his head from where it was resting against his chest. “We convinced her mother that she would be safe and treated good, then we gave her away. I don’t know to who. I wasn’t a part of that one. I was supposed to kill Katriana, but I couldn’t. She had looked up at me with those sweet eyes that she would smile at me with when I guarded her momma. Kenley didn’t deserve to die, but she said we had to kill her.” He trails off and it takes a moment for his words to play through my mind.
“Her?” I yell, and I’m spinning around and rushing out of the room to the door. I have to get to McKenna.
My mobile pings and I look down to Anatonia’s text, confirming my worst fear.
* * *
When I woke up,Dante hadn’t returned. I know he said it could take some time, but I was still upset. The hairdressers, makeup artists, and estheticians all arrived shortly after I awoke. At first, Stefano wasn’t going to let them in, but after a call to theCapo, he directed them into the suite.
I’m now sitting in a white lacy robe that goes to my knees. My skin has been buffed and smoothed. They even waxed me down there. I cringed and almost bit my lip to bleeding. My soft lilac hair is in waves down my back with small braids pulling back the sides and flowers in it. I didn’t want a veil, so they are putting a crown of flowers in my hair.
The makeup artists had a hard time covering up the bruises, but they did an amazing job. I’m looking at myself, trying to reconcile that I lost all my family and I only have Dante and Mattia left who knew them.
Dante promised he’d be at the end of the aisle waiting for me. It will only be us and his parents. A soft knock at the door pulls me from my thoughts, and I look through the mirror at the door.
“Come in,” I say, and it opens. A woman enters. She has dark hair pulled back into a bun and thick bangs that hang to her dark brows. Her soft brown eyes are focused on me, but they don’t have any warmth to them. Her bright red lips are pinched together.
Instantly, it all comes back to me.
I remember everything.