Page 22 of His Rebel
“Cody called me Katriana. The name sounds familiar, but then it doesn’t.” McKenna tips her head to the side in thought.
“Because your mother always called you McKenna. Her name was Kenley and your middle name is McKenna. You are Katriana McKenna Rossi. Not Johansen. Tomorrow, for your protection until we find out who tried to kill you both, you must marry using both names because I’ve found the adoption paperwork.”
“You what?” I ask in awe. Santi and I haven’t been able to find those.
“I did some research. There is a place that doesn’t do very legal adoptions. As soon as the DNA came back that McKenna was Rossi, I demanded the information.” He pauses and looks at the house. “Livia must be out or is in bed already.” He waves toward the front door that has a light on over it, but she isn’t waiting for her Capo as she should. I’ve never gotten along with my stepmother, something about her has always sat wrong with me. I’ve learned through the years to listen to that voice.
As I’m carrying McKenna up to my suite here, my mobile buzzes in my pocket. I wait until I have her resting on the bed before I look down at the text and pause. My body locking up.
“Stay here. No one in or out except me or Father,” I tell her, and she nods.
“I’m going to take a bath. Are you staying with me for the night even though we are marrying tomorrow?”
“I won’t sleep anywhere else. But this”—I hold up my phone and shake it at her—“could take some time. I’ll be at the end of the aisle if I don’t see you before everything starts tomorrow.” I lean down and kiss her deeply, wishing I could take her, but I need to handle this.
Ican’t believe the name that is associated with the wire transfer and IP address. Santi asked if I needed help securing him, but I won’t. I know exactly where he is at this moment. I hated leaving McKenna, but I left Stefano at our door. He will not fail me ever again and he knows it. No one but myself or the Capo is allowed in.
Tonight, this will end. I walk into my father’s office.
“Where is Livia?”
The man I want is her cousin. I don’t understand what his end game is though. He was higher in the Rossi organization than he is in the Lupo. If he wanted to succeed my father, he should have killed my father and me.
“She isn’t on the property. I have a message that she is attending a show with some of her friends and will stay at the Rossi villa in town.” He stands from his desk. “People will arrive at nine in the morning for hair, makeup, and everything else McKenna deserves. The dress will be here by noon, and you can be married at two. Good?”
I look at the Rolex on my wrist and think about the time. “I’m sure we can be done by then. Do you have a space ready?”
“I do. Do you have a name?”
“I do.” I don’t share it with him because I don’t want it to somehow get back to the man.
“Okay, then.” He tips his head in the direction of the door, but I don’t move to the main entrance. Instead, I move to the glass doors that look over the veranda. Guards are on patrol around the property, and out the back is the security building next to the pool house.
I move toward the security building. My father, his men, and some of mine follow along.
I open the door calmly even though everything in me demands I bust through it just like I did on the boat. This man betrayed us all. He was a lieutenant with Rossi and now is one of the second lieutenants. My father demoted him after the attack on the Rossi family. I see him standing, facing the monitors that show views all over the compound. My father didn’t want to move into this estate after the Rossis were slaughtered, but Livia wanted us to. So my father intensified the security. No other family in this house would ever be put in danger.
I know the moment he sees Stefano standing outside my door. His body locks up and I’m on him before he can turn around. He knows she can identify him if her memory returns. My knife at his throat stops him from moving.
“Hello, Trevor, ready to answer some questions?” I growl in Italian.
He remains calm and doesn’t react for a moment and then I feel his body relax, but I don’t let up my hold. He’ll die as soon as he tells me who is his puppet master. He’s not smart enough to orchestrate the hit.
“Consigliere,I don’t understand. Is there an issue?” He acts innocent.
“Your hitman is dead. He gave us an IP address before he died that leads back to you.” I don’t offer all the evidence.
“There must be a mistake. I’d never betray you or the Capo.”
“Oh, but you did. You did so much more than that.” I nod and security relieves him of his guns and knives. We cuff him and take him out toward the small brick shack at the back of the property. A place I’ve never been in, but I know what happens there.
As Trevor is stripped of his clothes and hung from the wall, I look at the wall of weapons. My knife is always my go-to, but tonight I’m going to make this man suffer. I’ll make him beg for his life like Cody did and then I’ll let him die.
No one betrays my family.