Page 7 of The Gambler
He set up her bath for her, making sure the water temperature was just right, as she smiled and flitted around the gigantic bathroom, getting into everything, and nattering away at him. Bath salts were opened and cast aside, until she found a scent she preferred; it was his favorite, sandalwood. She poured a heavy dose in the water and he told himself to remember to check if there was any danger in the amount used. For now, he decided to just watch and see if she had any sort of reaction to it.
"Angel, bubbas."
Bubbas, bubbas. "Bubbles?" She nodded her head with that smile that tugged at his heart every time. Where the fuck was he gonna get bubbles?
"Get in the tub little Jenna, I'll go see about your bubbles.
He ran down the stairs calling for Willy, who appeared like smoke at the bottom of the stairs.
"I need bubble bath, now."
"There's none on the premises that I know of, and the shops will be closed for at least another couple of hours sir." Was the man always so stoic? Shit, it was barely past six and already he was Mr. Reserved.
"Shit, never mind." He pulled his phone and started calling around; Garrett was first on his list.
"Does Kate use bubble bath?"
"Does a bear shit in the woods? She's a female boss."
"Yeah well, I need some like yesterday."
"On it, be there in ten."
He hung up the phone and hurried back up the stairs, should he have left her alone this long? Was she accustomed to taking care of herself? He didn't know shit. Alice had been an independent sort even as a kid, but he knew of many who weren't quite as proficient. When he got back to the room, he was brought up short by the sweet sound of her voice coming through the door. She was singing an old lullaby, something he hadn't heard in a long long time. It was as though someone had opened the stairway to heaven and given him a glimpse of something not seen by men.
He held onto the doorjamb as his world turned on its axis, and let the sweet sound wash over and through him. If he'd harbored any doubts before, he no longer did. There was just too much going on too quickly for him to put it off as coincidence.
He walked to the bathroom door, and with his ear pressed against it, listened to his heart, and understood, that his life was about to change in a big way.
As promised, Garrett was downstairs ten minutes later, with a few bottles of scented bubble bath. Andros barely spared the other man a moment to say thanks, before he was running back up the stairs.
"I'm coming in little Jenna okay?"
She laughed and told him to come on in. He kept his eyes above her head as he approached her in the tub. Holding out each bottle, he gave her enough time to sniff them, before exchanging one for another. She finally settled on some strawberry girlish scent, and remembering the bath salts episode, he poured a liberal amount of the bubbles into the water he'd just warmed up a little.
The place was soon filled with the scent of berries and sandalwood, a nice mix that pulled at the senses.
"I'm right outside the door little Jenna."
"Angel sit."
She pointed to the chair in the corner of the room, directly across from the tub.
Shit, I can't stay in here, how the fuck do I get out of this? She was fast proving to be a bossy little thing and somehow she just knew she could pull his strings. At least that's what he told himself as he reluctantly took his seat.
She chattered away at him in her way, with short one or two word sentences; asking him about the things in the room, his hair, where they were, what they were doing that day? And each time he answered, even when she forgot and repeated the same question twice. She smiled wider each time he responded, as if he were giving her something special. It hurt his heart to think that she'd not always had that.
When she'd been in the tub a good half an hour by his estimation, he thought it a good idea to get her out before she turned into a prune.
"You done little Jenna? Do you want to get out?" She held her arms up to him, so innocent, so trusting. He made a promise to himself, to her and to the memory of another innocent, that he would fucking end anyone who dared harm her again.
Turning away he got one of his bath sheets that was sure to swallow her up it was so big. When he turned back she was standing in the tub, water glistening on her flesh and so fucking gorgeous. He closed his eyes against the onslaught, the blow to his senses.
Fuck me, what now? She had no qualms about showing her body he knew, because she didn't see things the way others did. It was going to take him some time to get used to her innocence, to go slow.
He swallowed the lump in his throat and made fast work of wrapping her up, before lifting her out of the tub. Before he could put her down, she rested her head on his shoulder, so he carried her in his arms, back to the bedroom.
He helped her get dressed in his over sized clothes, which literally hung on her.