Page 6 of The Gambler
His eyes flew open at the sound of her voice and he sat up, expecting her to be disoriented by her surroundings, but she was still asleep. She'd called his name and curled herself deeper under the covers he'd thrown over her.
"Fuck." He wiped sleep from his eyes and checked his watch, almost six in the morning and he'd had barely three hours sleep. Oh well, it will have to do; he had shit to do today.
He went into the bathroom, being sure to leave the door open in case she woke up, while he brushed his teeth and cleaned his face. Running a hand over his morning whiskers he decided to leave off shaving for another time.
Since he had no idea what time she usually woke up and more importantly, what she liked to eat, he called downstairs to Willy, whom he was sure would be up and about. The other man never seemed to need much sleep.
He whispered into the phone as he walked back into the room.
"Yeah we're going to need a full Irish, can you get cook on it when she gets here?"
"Will do, and how is our new charge this morning?"
"I wouldn't know Willy, she's still asleep yet."
"As you say sir, I shall see to preparations just the same."
"Thank you Willy." He hung up the phone and went about getting out of the clothes he'd worn the night before. He'd not wanted to leave her long enough to change them last night, but he figured with the sun peeping through the windows it might not be as scary for her.
Shit...her, he didn't have shit all in his place for a female.
Picking up his phone he made another call, which was picked up on the first ring.
"I need a complete wardrobe of female clothes in size..." He eye balled Jenna's form under the covers.
"Two should be about right."
"What the fuckMinnelli, didn't you hear me? I need a full wardrobe, everything from the skin out. Use the Bloomingdales account, I'll get her the better stuff myself later. I'm also going to need toiletries, the best they have on the market." Shit, he knew fuck all about women's shit. He was going to have to learn real soon though, because Jenna was going to be a permanent part of his life from now on. He would've preferred to talk to his mother about this shit, but Stella and Petros were in Europe sight seeing, or some silly shit. What was left for them to see was a mystery; they'd been taking one of these little trips, traipsing across Europe, since he was a young boy.
"Sir is this for a child?"
"What, no, why?"
"Well you said size two and I thought, never mind; it would help if I knew something about the recipient so I could make my choices."
"She's mine, you know me, go from there." He hung up the phone after that, sure that his orders would be carried out.
That should take a few hours to accomplish. He still needed something for now though.
Rummaging through his drawer of old college things, he found a washed out pair of jeans and an old t shirt, still too big, but it'll do for now.
She awakened not long after, her eyes flying open as she took in her surroundings, until they landed on him. He held his breath, waiting to see what would happen next, will she remember him or...?
"Angel." That fucking smile was going to be his undoing.
"Good morning little Jenna."
The smile became a full-blown grin as she lifted her arms from beneath the covers and held them up to him. Walking over to the bed, he sat next to her and accepted the hug; she felt soft and warm and he felt his heart open and let her in as she rested her head against his chest.
Petridis and the Bonatas were so fucked.
Chapter 4