Page 13 of Bedrock
Profit sharing
Sick leave
Vacation and personal days
Your work schedule would be part-time, Monday—Friday from 8 a.m.—2 p.m. Should you accept this job offer, per company policy, you’ll be eligible to receive the above beginning on your hire date.
We at The Carlisle Agency hope that you’ll accept this job offer and look forward to welcoming you aboard.
Sondra Sheehan
CEO, The Carlisle Agency
(555) 210-3782
Addie was floored. $85,000 a year for part-time work. Seriously? William had recommended her, and, just like that, she had the job of her dreams. How? This kind of job had the power to change her life. The money alone was amazing, more than she had ever made before. But the hours were a dream come true. She would still be able to pick up the boys from school and be there in the afternoons. Where was the catch? She checked her voicemail, the first being a message from Ms. Sheehan, letting her know of the offer awaiting in her inbox and explaining that she looked forward to hearing from her. The second voicemail was a hang up from a number she didn’t recognize. Addie clicked off her phone, thinking everything else could wait. Suddenly, she couldn’t wait for Patrick to get back so that she could tell him her news. She had a job, and it was one she couldn’t refuse.
Patrick arrived back with a flower and Chinese takeout in hand. Her news combined with his good mood nearly made her forget about the day’s earlier events. Addie decided to put what happened in the elevator behind her for now. Patrick sat the flower down and removed the food from the bag, arranging it in front of her.
Addie smiled at him, so full of love in that moment. He had brought her, her favorite Chinese dish from their favorite takeout place to her favorite flower, a beautiful pink orchid.
“Are the boys ok? They aren’t too worried are they? I should call—”
Patrick cut her off “My mom says they’re fine. I spoke with them briefly, but they were too busy helping Rosie bake cookies to stop and talk.”
Addie smiled, picturing her boys with Rosie, thinking of how much she liked her.
“Eat while it’s hot.” Patrick demanded.
“Ok, so sit down. I have some news.” Addie said jubilantly.
Patrick took a bite, grinning. “You have news? Me too. Big news.”
Addie suddenly felt nervous. “You go first.”
Patrick’s mood shifted slightly. She took a deep breath, analyzing the seriousness of his expression. Nothing could have prepared her for what was to come next.
“So, I’ve been given a huge assignment at work. And I think it’s going to be great.”
Addie exhaled. “And?”
“And . . . I’ve been asked to head up our newest division in China. I’ll get to start from scratch—do with it what I want—run it the way I see fit. It’s a year-long project, Addie, but I’ve given it some thought, and I think this could be great for us.”
Addie choked. Suddenly, the room was spinning, and the wind was knocked out of her.
“Say something, Addie. What do think?”
“Um. I . . . I . . . How long have you known about this?”
“Three weeks. Why?”
“Three weeks. Three fucking weeks, Patrick? And you’re just now telling me about it.”
“Well, yes. I wanted some time to mull it over and get all of the facts before I ran it by you.”
“Wow. We’re talking about something that will change our entire lives, Patrick, and you wanted to mull it over before you ran it by me? As if we’re discussing dinner plans or picking up milk at the grocery store?”