Page 12 of Bedrock
“What were you doing at The Hartman Building, anyway?
The Hartman Building? Addie stared at him confused. “The what building?”
“Downtown, Addison. What were you doing downtown? Patrick said sternly.
Well, she certainly hadn’t planned on telling him like this. “I had a job interview.”
Patrick’s mouth formed a hard line, but he said nothing. Breaking the uncomfortable silence, a doctor appeared, telling Addie that her CT scan was clear but that, because she had been unconscious, he would feel more comfortable keeping her overnight.
“Doctor, really, I’m fine. I think I’d feel more comfortable at home, resting in my own bed.”
Patrick sighed. “How soon can we get her out of the ER and upstairs? She’s staying.”
Addie sat up a little too abruptly. “Patrick, that’s not your call to make.”
Patrick stared at the doctor as he spoke, though Addie knew his words were meant directly for her. He was angry with her, and she knew it. “Doc, clearly after the day’s events, my wife isn’t thinking clearly. She seems to be having a hard time making sound decisions.”
The doctor remained cool, neutral. “Look, all I can do is give my professional opinion, and, from a medical standpoint, I’d feel better if we kept you for observation.”
Patrick turned to her, placing his hands on his hips as if to say I told you so.
Addie lay back on the gurney, defeated. “What about the kids?”
“I had my mother pick them up from Jessica’s.”
Although she was furious with Patrick, Addie knew she should be nicer. After all, she had betrayed him, not once today, but twice. She felt terrible, sick to her stomach over it. But oddly enough, she wasn’t remorseful in the way that she thought she should be. Even as she lay there in the hospital with Patrick at her side, her thoughts drifted to the man in the elevator. She thought about the way he kissed her and the expression on his face as they wheeled her away. Addie knew she was wrong. She knew that she had lied by omission twice today. Of course, with her winding up in the hospital, Patrick now knew all about the first lie. It was only a matter of time now before he’d find out about the second.
Once they moved Addie from the ER to her room, Patrick left to gather some belongings. Addie told him that she would be fine, that he would sleep better at ho
me, but he insisted, saying there was something important he needed to discuss with her.
While Patrick was gone Addie checked her cell: a few missed calls and a dozen emails. Two stood out. One was from the agency she was set to interview for.
Dear Mrs. Greyer,
We at Carlisle Agency were very sorry to learn of the elevator malfunction you experienced this afternoon.
At this time, following a very prestigious recommendation from Mr. Hartman himself, we would like to offer you the position of Account Manager here at The Carlisle Agency.
Should you accept this job offer, per company policy, you'll be eligible to receive the following beginning on your hire date:
Salary: Annual gross starting salary of $85,000, paid in biweekly installments by your choice of check or direct deposit
Performance Bonuses: Up to five percent of your annual gross salary, paid quarterly by your choice of check or direct deposit
Stock Options: 500 Carlisle stock options in your first year, fully vested in four years at the rate of 125 shares per year
Benefits: Standard, agency-provided benefits for salaried-exempt employees, including the following:
401(k) retirement account
Annual stock options
Childcare assistance
Education reimbursement
Health, dental, life, and disability insurance