Page 40 of Mafia Monster's Forced Bride
How did he tell his brand-new wife that getting women was easy for him? He doubted she’d be happy about that.
Staring at her now, he had to wonder if he would be making a mistake in telling her.
Once they were alone, he stared into her eyes. She held her fork in her hand.
“I’m used to women wanting me. I’m not trying to be a dick about it. I’m just stating facts,” he said.
She smiled. “I know. I’ve seen the way women treat you. It must be so horrible.”
“I’ve never had to work hard to get what I want.”
Alex tilted her head to the side. “And you have to work hard for me?”
“Do you want me?” she asked.
Now that was the question that hung in the air. Roman stared at her. Did he want to lie? What was the truth?
“Yes,” he said, but his answer was to never be heard as there was a loud bang, followed by an explosion.
Roman looked toward the main entrance of the restaurant and saw three men enter, their faces covered in white masks, and his gut told him they were there for Alex.
He had to get her out of there.
Gunshots rang out.
He grabbed his wife’s hand and immediately pulled her in front of him as he felt the gunshots whizz past him. Were they trying to kill her? Or kill him?
Rushing her through the back kitchen, he ordered everyone to get down. As he got to the main exits, Antonio was already there.
“Marlo and Cash followed them in,” he said.
Just as they exited onto the street, he banded an arm around Alex’s waist to keep her to his side. They turned down the long street, and as they did, two men advanced on them. Antonio took one, and Roman had no choice but to let Alex go as he dealt with the man.
He pushed Alex behind a dumpster, hoping it would provide her enough coverage.
Slamming his fist against the masked man’s face, he took his enemy by surprise, and while he was trying to regain his balance, he was able to tear the mask from him.
Roman didn’t recognize the scarred man.
“Who are you?” Roman asked.
“We’re going to take her,” the man said. “We’re going to fucking kill her!”
Roman pulled out his knives, and as he came forward, he struck, slicing across the man’s front and then his back.
The point of the knives was to take his assailant down without killing him. There was no way they could get information out of a corpse.
More gunshots rang out.
The man cried out, but that didn’t stop him from charging for more.
Roman continued to slash him. His blades were covered in blood, and the street was as well.
When he came at him another time, he impaled the blades in the man’s shoulders, not through any lasting damage. Antonio stumbled toward him, his face covered in blood.
“What the fuck happened?” Roman asked.