Page 39 of Mafia Monster's Forced Bride
“There is always something that could be done.” He was so fucking pissed off with himself.
Tapping his fingers against his leg, he tried to figure out a plan, or something. He had to get Alex to fall in love with him, but with no pointers as to how to win her heart, what the fuck was he going to do?
“I’d like someone I can trust,” Alex said. “Someone who wants to spend time with me. Who doesn’t think I’m weird and boring because I like to sew. There are times I would love a large family, but … I’m scared of the whole birthing thing. Kind of stumbled onto a documentary-type thing that showed women giving birth, and it scarred me for life.”
“Is that why you want to adopt Stuart?”
“And all those other kids. Not just Stuart. I know it sometimes looks like I show favoritism, but if you came by on another day, you’d see the kids are always wanting me to help him. He’s not … he’s closed off, and I want him to join in. I love them all, and I guess. They’re the big family I’d love to have.”
“How many kids were there?”
“Between ten and fifteen children in that one house. There have been several adopted over the years, and the numbers fluctuate.”
Roman nodded.
“I’d like my husband to be faithful,” she said.
“I-I, do you think you could be faithful?”
She nibbled on her lip.
“You don’t believe me.”
“You won’t have sex with anyone else?” she asked. “Even though we’re not having sex?”
“Are you saying that you don’t want us to fuck, ever?” he asked.
“No, I’m not saying that. Wow, this is so hard to talk about.”
“Sex usually is.”
She covered her face with her hands. “I don’t know if I can talk to you about this.”
He chuckled. “Have you thought about having sex with me?”
Now he was fucking disappointed. Women were always all over him.
Alex dropped her hands. “I feel like I should constantly be apologizing to you.”
“No, it’s fine.”
“You don’t look like it’s fine.”
“I’m getting used to this feeling,” he said.
“Of what?”
He was paused in answering as the waiter chose the perfect opportunity to bring him some food, and he was grateful for the distraction.
For the first time in a restaurant, he wanted the waiter to find an excuse to stay. He never liked interruptions, but right now, he would gladly give anything to be constantly interrupted.
Instead, he gritted his teeth and smiled, pretending like everything was okay. It wasn’t.