Page 55 of Breaking You (Blackthorn Elite 2)
Like a puppy, I follow the blonde to the back hall. She doesn’t walk very fast on her five-inch clear high heels, so I take the time to stare at her ass while I trail behind her. It’s not as full and nice as Harper’s ass, but it will do. Ugh, I really need to get her out of my head. Maybe fucking this chick will help, then again, if it doesn’t, there are plenty more women in this place.
Leading me into a small room, she switches on a dim light before closing the door.
“Sit down, sweetie.” She motions toward the only chair in the room.
“Don’t call me, sweetie,” I growl at her as I take a seat.
“Okay, what would you like me to call you?” she asks while reaching back and undoing her bra. Her tits spring free, bouncing a little as she takes a step toward me. They’re nice, but again, they aren’t Harper’s. The thought infuriates me, and I squeeze the arms on the chair to stop myself from lashing out.
“Don’t call me anything…”
“Okay.” She closes the distance between us and drops down to her knees between my legs. Her fingers flick the button on my jeans, and she is about to take my still flaccid dick out when the door suddenly flies open.
What the fuck?
The girl jumps back, and we both look up at who has come to interrupt us. I swear to god if it’s Cameron… For a split second, all I see is Harper standing in the doorway, but quickly realize it’s Valerie. Sweet, good, Harper would never step foot in a place like this.
“Candy, out!” she yells at the chick on her knees.
“What the hell, Val?” Candy squeals.
“Yeah, what the hell, Val?” I repeat. “Go find someone else’s dick to suck.”
“Warren, I wouldn’t suck your dick if you offered me 10k.” Yeah, right. I bet she’d do it for half of that. “Seriously, Candy. Get out. That’s my cousin’s boyfriend.”
Candy shrugs, “So, everyone in here is someone’s boyfriend. Never stopped you before. Plus, he’s a paying customer… my paying customer.”
Valerie’s gaze turns murderous, “Out!”
Candy jumps again, a trickle of fear in her eyes. Valerie takes a step toward her, fists clenched like she’s ready to throw down. Shit. I want to see this.
“Fine,” Candy throws her hands up in the air. “But you owe me, Val. This is fucked up, and you know it.” She gets up from the floor, taking her bra with her, and leaves the little room. The door slams shut behind her, and Valerie crosses her arms in front of her chest, looking like she is about to give me a lecture.
God, please, save me. Harper just told me she might be… I swallow the thought down. Fuck, no. I’m not thinking about that right now.
“I’ll give you five hundred bucks if you don’t say whatever you are about to say and let Candy back in here,” I offer, and I can see Valerie thinking about it. She wants the money, but for once in her life, her conscience wins. Fuck, of course, that has to be now. I’m about to double my offer to see how far this will go when she cuts me off before I even start talking.
“I don’t want your rich boy money. I want to know what the hell is wrong with you? What did Harper ever do to you for you to treat her like this? I’m not the best person to her myself, but fuck, you really top it all. She doesn’t deserve this. She doesn’t deserve how you treat her.”
“How I treat her? What about how she treats me?” My anger is growing, becoming harder and harder to ignore. If Valerie wants a fight, then we’ll have one. She doesn’t know all there is to know about Harper.
Valerie rolls her eyes at me. “When did Harper goody shoes ever treat anyone wrong, especially you. She basically worshiped the ground you walked on and even after you pulled that stunt three years ago, she somehow forgave you. Now you fuck up again?”
Unable to sit here and listen to her talk down to me any longer, I shove to my feet. A wave of nausea hits me in the gut, but I ignore it.
“Don’t pretend you don’t know what she did! You must have known,” I accuse her. “Your families are close, there is no way she kept that secret from you.”
Valerie looks at me like I’ve grown a second head, “What the hell are you talking about?”
“The fucking abortion! I know she got it. She told me she wanted to wait to have sex, and then she fucked someone else and got herself pregnant.” Even saying the words out loud hurt. It’s like the pain will never ease, and I suppose it won’t not now that she’s in the same position all over again.