Page 54 of Breaking You (Blackthorn Elite 2)
“Warren,” Cameron warns, and I can hear the sadness in his voice.
“Shut up. Take me, or I’ll drive myself,” Warren orders. The last thing I hear is his footsteps as he walks away from me. I thought he loved me. I thought he’d understand. I sob on to the wood floor, hating myself, and him, but hating him more because of his words.
Go get an abortion. The way he said them, the way they felt. No amount of showering or soap will ever make the stain he’s left on me disappear. Even if I don’t want to love Warren, or care for him ever again, I’ll never be able to forget. He’s taken my heart, shattered it into a million pieces, and shoved it back into my chest. I’m not sure anyone could forget someone doing that to them.
Half stumbling over my own two feet, I make it inside Night Shift. My head is already swimming with alcohol, but I feel like I need more… much more. I don’t want to think about what Harper said to me, and I definitely don’t want to think about what I said to her.
“You sure you don’t want to go back home?” Cameron asks.
“No, I want to be here,” I tell him as we walk up to the bar. “And I want to get shit-faced. So, either join me or get the fuck away from me.”
“You know I love this place, and I kinda like you… I don’t know why either since you’re a fucking asshole.” He pauses. “But I better stay and make sure you don’t get into too much trouble. Easton and I don’t want to deal with your parents if you go missing.”
Psh, I’m sure that’s why he stays.
“Hi, there,” some chick behind the bar greets me. Leaning over, she puts her elbow on the bartop, giving me a prime view of her tits. “What can I get for you?”
“I’d like to suck on your tits,” I confess, making her giggle as if she is shy. I know otherwise because she keeps pushing her chest up to give me an even better view. Bitch loves the attention.
“How about we start with a drink first, and then we’ll see if we can get you some tits to suck on?” She licks her lips seductively, and I nod.
“I guess we can do that… give me a long island. More long island, less ice tea.”
“Coming right up. What can I get for you?” She turns her attention to Cameron.
“Beer,” he gives her a short answer, making the chick frown as if she is disappointed. “You’re making a mistake if you ask me.”
“Good thing I’m not asking you.”
Two minutes later, I have my drink in my hand, and the waitress in front of me giving me fuck me eyes. I chug the drink until the glass is more than half empty. The alcohol seemingly going straight into my bloodstream. My mind immediately going hazy.
Something soft touches my arm, and I have to force the memory of Harper’s gentle touch out of my brain. When I turn to see whose hand is on my arm, I find a petite blonde. Not Harper. Her fingers meet my skin, sending lightning bolts of both dread and excitement through my body. I hold on to the latter, and shove the first one down, burying it deep inside my chest.
“How much for a private dance?” I let my gaze trail down her barely dressed body. She’s wearing some lingerie that leaves very little to the imagination. In fact, one of her nipples is actually peeking out on one side. Classy. Then again, who am I to complain? I came here to get wasted and fuck some bitches.
“How long would you like your dance to be?” she asks, trailing her hand up my arm and over my shoulder. Her fingers feel like acid on my skin, but I don’t care… anything to get rid of her memory, of her stupid voice in my fucking head.
“Maybe three or four songs long? Depending on how tight your pussy is.”
The chick’s eyes light up, and not surprised in the least by my proposition. These girls will do anything for money. “For you, three hundred.”
“Perfect! Let’s go then,” I tell her, gesturing with my hands, “lead the way.”
She grabs my hand and starts pulling me away. I almost trip over my feet as I glance back at Cameron one more time. He gives me a disapproving look but is smart enough not to say anything. He doesn’t know what it’s like to be in love and have everything fall apart. He doesn’t know what it’s like to have the woman of your dreams become exactly what your father said she would be. Jokes on her though. I’m going to follow through with my threat this time. I’m going to destroy her, ruin her until she’s nothing, just a speck of dust.