Page 22 of Breaking You (Blackthorn Elite 2)
Harper snorts, “What makes you think that I would want that?”
“It’s either with me, or I’ll make you sleep with Cameron or Easton. You know Easton, of course, seemed like you fancy him. Maybe you’d like them both at the same time? They’re my roommates.” For a split second, I think I just made a mistake saying this. If she tells me she would rather sleep with one of them, then I’ll probably end up killing someone tonight. No way in fucking hell is one of those douchebags touching her.
To my relief, she doesn’t seem too keen at the thought. In fact, she looks a little nervous about the idea. “I definitely won’t sleep with them either. How about I sleep on the couch?”
“How about… no?” I tell her and start walking her inside. Easton is still at school, but I think Cameron is here, which I dislike greatly. For the first time since moving here, I wish I lived alone. Not that I think either of them is stupid enough to try something.
They know better.
Dragging her into the house, I close the door behind us. Voices filter into the foyer. I can make out the voice of a girl, and the grunts must be Cameron’s. What the fuck, I told him no more fucking on the couch.
“Oh, Cameron,” some chick moans, and I stop midstep, my gaze shooting to Harper. Her eyes grow wide, and her cheeks turn a soft pink.
“Is he…” her words cut off, and I grin because anything that makes her uncomfortable is a win in my book.
“Fucking a chick in the open…yes. Want to join them? Cam loves to share. Him and Easton share all the time.” It feels like I’m swallowing rocks as I say the words. Cam might share, but I don’t.
“No,” Harper says like I just asked her the most outrageous thing. Why does she have to act so damn innocent all the time? It enrages me and turns me on at the same time. I know she’s already fucked a shit-ton of guys, so she needs to quit with the act. Then again, I doubt any of them could ever amount to what it will be like for her to be with me.
“Boo. Since you aren’t interested in a threesome, we should probably go,” I turn down the long hall to my left, dragging her every step of the way. When I reach my door, I turn to her. “This is where the magic happens.”
She doesn’t laugh or smile. In fact, she gives me a bored expression. Oh lord, we can’t have that. Wouldn’t want her getting bored on me.
Opening the door, I tug her inside and then release her, before closing and locking the door behind us. Maybe I should feed her, or something. At the thought, I wonder if she’s been eating well? Does she even have enough money for food? She’s getting money for housing, so she must be using it somehow. Maybe that’s all the money she has unless Easton was right, and she works at the strip club.
I start to strip out of my clothes, pulling my shirt off and tossing it onto the floor. Harper crosses her arms over her chest, the movement drawing my attention to her tits. Fuck, I can’t wait to see them again.
“I’m not having sex with you, so if that’s what you’re planning to do, then just know it will be rape. I will never sleep with you.” She raises her chin up, and the defiance in her eyes enrages me. Is she trying to test me, to see if I’ll break? I’ll never admit it, but the fact that she claims she’ll never have sex with me pisses me off. It only makes me want to prove her wrong, make her beg for it.
“That’s fine. I can have any woman I want. I definitely don’t have to rape anyone, but since you’re so sure you’ll never want to have sex with me, I’ll remind you of this the next time I have you on your back, your legs spread wide open as I feast on your pink pussy like it’s my last meal. All while you beg and plead for me to fuck you, I won’t even fucking blink…”
“I was forced into that situation.”
“Forced? That’s what you call coming on my tongue and screaming my name. Sounds like a really shitty situation.”
She blinks slowly, and I notice the rapid rise and fall of her chest as I flick the button on my jeans and shove them down my thighs. My rock hard cock springs free since I’m commando, and Harper shakes her head, looking away before I get the chance to tease her.
“I’m taking a shower, care to join me?”
“I’d rather rot in hell, thank you.”
“That can be arranged too.” I walk buck ass naked over to the dresser and pull out a pair of boxers and a T-shirt. “Put this on, and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what happens if you disappear while I’m in the shower.” I turn to her and find her staring at my backside. Her cheeks flame and she looks away knowing she’s been caught.