Page 21 of Breaking You (Blackthorn Elite 2)
“I hate you. I hate you so much.” She seethes, continuing to beat against my back with a furious rage. “This is kidnapping!” I carry her with ease to the car, never missing a beat. My dick gets hard as I cop a feel of her ass cheek, which is right next to my face. Plump, and perfect for slapping… I want to bury my face in between her creamy thighs again. Lick her from one hole to the other and then fuck her in both.
Shit, I’m getting carried away.
I don’t put her down until we get to my car, and when she’s back on her feet, I keep a firm hold of her arm. I don’t feel like chasing her through the parking lot right now, and I know that as soon as I release her, she’s going to run.
“Get in on your own, or I’ll make you get in. The choice is yours.”
“Fuck you, Warren! None of this is my choice! You’re a monster, a cruel, horrible monster,” she yells while struggling to break free.
“Keep preaching your dislike, but no one is listening, sweetheart.” Opening the door with my free hand, I push her in with the other. Like I expected, she digs her feet in, fighting back against me, but she fails to understand something. I don’t give a fuck what I have to do to get her in this car. She’s getting in. Giving her a hard shove, she ducks her head at the last second before hitting the seat.
“Now, be a good girl and stay inside, or you can kiss your scholarship goodbye. I don’t think the school would approve if they knew you are staying off-campus.” That gets her attention. She looks up at me with a different kind of panic in her eyes now. “Yeah, that’s right, I know about the money that’s supposed to go to on-campus housing.”
“Warren…” The way she says my name, with so much helplessness, it makes my insides twist. She did this to us. She broke us. She ruined what we had. I can’t feel bad for her. Not when I gave her a chance. Not when I told her what would happen if she didn’t leave.
Defeated, she places her hands in her lap and lowers her chin to her chest. I shut the door and quickly walk around, climbing into the driver’s seat. I start the car and the hum of the engine filters into the car.
Backing out of the parking lot, I head toward my condo, which is only a couple blocks away. Harper moves as far away from me as she can, plastering herself to the car door.
“Where are we going?” she questions, her voice quiet.
Turning onto the street, I answer, “Not to your shithole, that’s for sure.”
“You can’t just make people go places with you. It’s against the law, and crazy…”
“You say that, but yet, here you are, in my car, headed to my place with me.” I grin and punch the gas.
“Whatever is going on in that sick mind of yours, just do it already. I want to get it over with, so I can go on with my life without you.” Like you did before.
“And ruin being able to have you do whatever I want, whenever I want?” I shake my head. “Yeah, I don’t think so. I think I’ll use you until I’m done and tired of you. Then I’ll toss you to the vultures.”
A few minutes later, we pull into the driveway of the condo I share with Cameron and Easton. Harper doesn’t even blink when she sees the place. It’s far bigger than three college guys need, but it’s what we wanted, and since we can afford it, I don’t see the harm. I mean, what the hell else are we supposed to spend our parents’ money on?
“I’m not staying here.” Harper crosses her arms over her chest and stares out the window.
Grinning, I lean across the center console, and kill the engine at the same time, “You are because if you refuse, you’re fucked. If you don’t listen to me, or do whatever I tell you, you’re fucked too. Well, you’re fucked either way, literally and figuratively, but this is your best bet, so just go with it.”
“I am not having sex with you, and I’m not getting out of this car.”
“You really want to play this game?” I challenge.
“It’s not a game, this is my life. My body. I’m not a doll, you can’t just do whatever you want with me.”
“But I can…” I get out of the car and walk around. Harper gets out before I make it to her door, and I grab her wrist before she can try and make a run for it. “I’ll tell you what, you behave in there, and I’ll let you sleep in my bed with me tonight.”