Page 57 of Hating You (Blackthorn Elite 1)
Getting the key card out of my clutch, I arrive at the door, unlocking it with a swipe. I step inside, my high heels clacking on the linoleum floor twice when I hear something move behind me.
I start to twist around, but I only get to turn halfway before someone slams into me. I yelp out in surprise and pain, the sound echoing through the entrance hall. I lose my balance and stagger back, landing on the unforgiving floor with a thud. Pain radiates from my ass and up my spine, making me groan.
That pain is quickly forgotten as I realize what is happening. Looking up, I meet Nate’s glassy eyes, his lips pulled back in an angry snarl as if it’s my fault he ran me over. If I had to describe him in one word right now, it would be unhinged. There is something about him that seems almost insane. Like it doesn’t matter what I say, he will hurt me.
Panic bubbles up inside of me as I scramble back on the floor, trying to put as much distance between us as I can manage. One of my shoes came off during my fall, and I kick the second one off as I scoot back on my ass, knowing that I’m probably going to have to run soon. At least, I hope that I get a chance to.
“You look like a slut,” he slurs. His gaze licking my body, and now more than ever, do I cruse Parker for making me wear this.
“What do you want, Nate?”
“I want you to suck my cock. How much do you charge?” An evil grin spreads across his face. “Or is the first one free?”
“I’m not going to do that…”
“Why, you think you’re too good for me? That’s what your sister thought too.” What he says confuses me, but I’m too scared to think about it at the moment. All I want to do is make him go away and lock myself in my dorm.
“I don’t think that. Nate, I like you,” I lie, “but Parker would be furious if I did anything with you.”
That seems to hit a nerve, and instead of calming the situation, it escalates it. The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.
“I don’t fucking care what the golden boy thinks,” he growls, anger coming off of him in waves.
Next thing I know, he’s lunging for me, but I was already expecting it. Adrenaline floods my body, helping me to move quickly and efficiently. In a flash, I’m up and running down the hallway before he even realizes what’s going on. He might be bigger and stronger, but he is also drunk. I can smell it and see it from a mile away. Somewhere behind me, he starts to stagger.
My bare feet pound against the cold floor as I run down the dark, empty corridor leading to the laundry rooms. I hear Nate following behind me, but the distance between us is growing. My heart pounds so viciously, I worry it might explode. I contemplate screaming for help, but I doubt that anyone would hear me, and if they do, would they help? I decide my best bet is to get away and hide.
As if Nate can read my mind, he roars behind me like an angry bear, “You can’t get away. Your sister ran, and I caught her too.” What did he just say? His words hit me at a hundred miles per hour, slamming into me and knocking me to the ground. The first comment I had pushed away, but I can’t ignore his second statement.
It can’t be… he didn’t…
I want to stop running, turn around, and demand he tell me what the hell it is he’s talking about, but my survival instincts won’t let me. A throbbing at the back of my head tells me to keep running, to hide. Taking a sharp corner, I hear a loud thud, followed by a string of curses behind me. Nate must’ve fallen, that’s my chance. Hide. Instead of continuing forward with my run, I dash around the back staircase and hide in a dark corner beneath it. My entire body shakes as I pull my legs to my chest and squeeze myself into the tiny-ass corner. I’ve just gotten situated when the sound of his heavy footfalls get closer.
I clamp my shaking hand over my mouth to keep myself from making a noise. This hiding idea could seriously backfire. If he finds me here in this dark corner, I might not get out of here alive, and even if I do, I’ll have a scar that no one can see, just like my sister.
“Oh, Willow, come out and play with me, will ya? No reason to hide. I just want some fun. If you behave, I’ll make it good for you. Your sister didn’t behave, so I had to rough her up a little, but that was her own fault.”