Page 56 of Hating You (Blackthorn Elite 1)
She lets out a hitched breath, and it must be what she needed because in seconds she starts to go off, her entire body shaking as her pussy contracts around my cock, squeezing me so tightly, I can barely move inside of her. Pleasure barrels down into the bottom of my spine. It pulses outward, making it hard for me to breathe, to do anything. It engulfs me, tugging the come right out of me.
“Fuck, Willow,” I grind out as I empty myself inside her, wishing that we could stay like this forever. Her pussy continues to quiver as I come, almost as if it’s swallowing every little drop of my release.
Like feathers, we drift down from the high together. Easing out of her, I place a gentle kiss to her shoulder blade. Perfection. That’s what we are. When I’m inside her, the entire world fades away. All our problems are gone. I want that. I want Willow, and that’s a hard pill for me to swallow. Wanting her is wrong because she represents everything bad that has happened to my family in the last two years. But giving her up means some other bastard gets to have her, and I don’t know if I can do that either.
Pulling my dress slacks back on, I put myself away and button up. Then I grab a towel from the pool towel stand and walk over to Willow, who is still partly resting against the glass table. Spreading her legs gently, I clean her like I did the first time, and help her into her dress. She doesn’t say anything to me as I do, and in a way, I’m thankful for that.
Silence is what I need right now. There are too many thoughts and emotions swirling around in my head.
When she’s covered the best we can manage, I take her hand and head back toward the banquet hall. Willow doesn’t say a word, but I know she wants to complain. I don’t plan to stay long, just need to tell my father I’m leaving and then I’m out.
As soon as we enter the room, I can feel eyes on us. I’m about to turn to one of the waiters and ask him to find my father when out of thin air, he walks into the room.
“Goodness, Parker,” he greets, a frown on his lips when he sees Willow standing beside me. “Please get her out of here. There is already talk, and I don’t need our family reputation ruined any more than it already is. I told you revenge was fine, but then you parade her around here like…”
“She’s with me, she’s not doing anything wrong.” I feel each word in my chest, thumping with the beat of my heart. Bringing her here, dressed like this… it was for revenge, yes, but I didn’t expect so much shit to be tossed on Willow. Her father trying to hit her, my father calling her a whore in front of anyone that was within earshot. Guilt gnaws at my insides. I can feel the wall coming back up around her, feel her tugging her hand out of my own.
“No need to defend me, Parker. We all know that I’m a liar, and well,” she gestures to her dress, “now a whore. I think it’s time I go back to the corner.” Turning to face her, I burn to take her across my knee and spank some sense into her. I don’t understand the feelings I’m having.
“Thank you,” my father smiles, and Willow takes a step away from me. A coldness sweeps through my body at the loss of her body contact.
“You don’t have to leave,” I tell her.
“Yes, she does, son. I need to have a word with you, anyway. Goodnight,” my father, makes a shoo gesture to her, and I grind my teeth together to stop myself from lashing out at the asshole. The only one who gets to be a dick to her is me. She’s mine. Mine to hurt. Mine to fuck. Mine to lov—. I don’t finish the thought… there is no way, no fucking way, I’m falling that deep.
Willow chooses then to walk away. My tongue heavy with unsaid words as her heels click against the floor.
Once out of earshot, my father leans in and grabs my shoulder, “Whatever your obsession with her is, end it. I need at least one son that can keep it together. Don’t fall for her antics. She’s just like her sister… a liar, a slut.”
And while she may be a Bradford, I’m slowly starting to find out she’s nothing like her sister. Nothing like anything I expected her to be.
Giving the cab driver a hefty tip for getting me so quickly, I get out of the car, wishing him a great night. Walking a little bit faster than normal, I head toward the dorm entrance. I can’t wait to get inside and take this dress off. I’m going to burn this hideous thing tomorrow, but tonight, all I want to do is take a hot shower and crawl into my bed.