Page 19 of Ruin's Revenge (Diamond Kings MC)
I shrug. “It’s obvious, I guess.”
He chuckles softly as his eyes stay laser-focused on the road in front of him. He takes a turn onto a dusty winding road, and I blow out a breath, needing answers.
“It is, isn’t it?”
Ruin plays ignorant. “Is what?”
That he’s making me work so hard for this information makes me testy. “He’s the man you’re after.”
Ruin kisses my hand. “Dakota, I don’t want to bring you down with my business. I don’t want you to worry about what’s going on in my life.”
“That’s bullshit. How can you say that to me?”
He slows the vehicle, his focus drifting to me temporarily. “What do you mean?”
“You say in one breath you want to start this grand life together. You want me to move to Diamond, but you sit here and tell me I shouldn’t be sticking my nose into your business.”
“I didn’t say it like that. Dakota, there’s just some things that are better left unsaid.”
“Better for who? You?”
He pulls into the ranch and parks next to the cabin they’ve let him stay in. He shuts the engine off. “Warner’s a dangerous man. That’s all.”
“That’s all?”
He steps out of the SUV, leaving me with my runaway thoughts. I launch myself out of the vehicle and park both hands on my hips. “That’s not fair.”
He spins around. “What’s not?”
I step closer, poking him in the chest with the tip of my polished red nail. “Listen here. I will not be left in the dark about things that matter most to you. You might think you’re trying to protect me, but that’s unnecessary. I don’t need you to protect me.”
He laughs, igniting my anger tenfold. “You absolutely need protection.”
I’m fuming mad. “I do not.” And to prove my point, I hop into my SUV and slam the door shut.
“Where are you going?” Ruin asks, tapping on my driver’s side window.
“I need time to think about us,” I tell him, being completely honest.
I drive away, not even looking back in the rearview. I really do just need a bit of time to think.
If Ruin and I are working toward some kind of forever, then he needs to trust me with his heart. That’s all it boils down to in any relationship. There’s got to be some sort of even ground. A trust. An understanding.
Sure, we don’t need to share every single detail about ourselves, but we should address something as big as Warner.
I mean, my father is doing business with the man. At least Ruin could have the common courtesy to let me know if my father should cut all ties.
But no, Ruin has to play the “man” card. I protect. It’s all so barbaric.
I continue down the dirt road, not really sure where I’m headed. When I see a set of headlights ahead, I slow down, waiting for the oncoming vehicle to pass me.
But it’s blocking the road.
I pull over, feeling all kinds of uneasy. Warning bells ring in my ears, and I go to grab the .38 Smith & Wesson out of the glove box. It’s not there.
Real panic sets in as I try to remember where my gun is. Ugh. I rushed out of the house so quickly that I forgot to grab my gun.
Of course, the one time you forget to bring it is the one time you need it.
Hopefully not, though.
I inch my SUV closer to the questionable vehicle and try to peer through the windshield, but can’t see a thing.
His lights are just too bright. Why do they make them so blinding?
There’s a tap on my window that sends me screeching. It’s Warner and red flags go up everywhere, because what is he doing out here?
Ruin says he’s a dangerous man, so I should drive away, but I’m stuck here and can’t make a k-turn with the position of his car and the ditches on either side of the road.
He taps again, more forcefully this time. “My car broke down. Was wondering if I could get a jump?”
Crap. Who does he think I am? A mechanic.
I force my lips upward, trying to appear polite. “Sorry, no jumper cables,” I say through my window, not rolling it down. I shrug and give him a pout, so he thinks I’m really sorry, because I’m not rolling this window down. I feel safer with this thin piece of glass between us.
I’m ready to throw my SUV in reverse and drive backwards down the road when something crashes into the window beside my head. Glass shatters into a million tiny pieces, hitting my face, and the next thing I know, the door is opened and I’m pulled out.
I kick and scream, but Warner only tightens his grip.
“Let me go, you asshole.” I spit in his face.
“No, you’re coming with me.” He hauls me through the car’s back door and enters behind me.