Page 18 of Ruin's Revenge (Diamond Kings MC)
The server sets our drinks in front of us, and Warner takes a gulp of his bourbon on the rocks before answering. “A little of this and a little of that.”
I’m not satisfied with his answer, but I know not to make a scene right now. I need to face this fucker when we’re not dressed to the nines in a country club. I also don’t want to do this in front of Dakota.
She’s too pure.
Too special.
I don’t want her to see the dirtiness of being with a man like me. I want her to only see the positive. The clean. The happy.
Not the deranged version of me murdering my enemy in front of her eyes.
“So, Ruin. Unusual name. It’s your real name?” Kevin asks, bringing his glass of Pinot Noir to his lips.
I sigh. “It is.” If this were a different time, I’d want to tell this man about my childhood so he can get to know me as a person. I want him to know me as the man who’s going to marry his daughter.
Because I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.
Before I can say anything further, he cuts in, surprising me with his next words, “It’s an interesting name, for sure.” Kevin changes the subject. “Dakota, Warner is thinking of buying the inn.”
“I hope he does,” she says. “It has such potential.”
“Maybe you can run the place when I do. However, I’d get rid of those silly ghost tours,” Warner says to Dakota.
She widens her eyes. “The ghost tours are a fun way to interact with the guests.”
Warner stiffens in his chair. “I’m not a fan of ghosts.”
I laugh a quick burst under my breath. “I’m sure there are a few ghosts who are not a fan of you.” I say the words under my breath, but Warner catches the drift.
He stares at me with great interest over the top of his glass. It makes me want to knock the damn thing out of his hand. He hasn’t figured out who I am yet, and it makes me feel like I have the upper hand.
It’s surreal sitting here with this douche. After so many years of hunting for him, he’s right in front of me and I can’t do a damn thing about it. Good things come to those who wait, though, and I’ve been waiting years for this opportunity.
I won’t ruin my chances of exacting revenge.
“So, you live in Diamond?” Kevin asks.
“I do. Born and raised.”
“Dakota, you plan on relocating there?” Her father is definitely direct.
Dakota swallows the food in her mouth, setting her fork and knife down to snatch her glass of water. Once she’s swallowed down a considerable gulp, she answers. “I’d like to, yes.” She glances at her father. “Of course, I’d wait until after the election in a couple of weeks.”
He dips his chin, satisfied by her answer, and I realize I am too.
“Actually Ruin says a guy in his club has a hotel he’s looking to offload.”
Kevin smiles. “I like that idea.” He gestures to his daughter. “After elections, of course.”
Warner doesn’t smile. “What club?”
He knows damn well what club I’m speaking about, but I guess he’s trying to paint me in a poor light to Dakota’s father.
All eyes are on me as I set my fork and knife down. “The Diamond Kings Motorcycle Club.”
Kevin appears amused by this. “Interesting. I’d love to know more.”
Dakota cuts in. “Daddy, maybe another time.” Her eyes motion toward Warner.
Has she picked up on my hatred for the man? Can she tell I’m uneasy with him around?
I shift in my seat, feeling uncomfortable.
But Kevin’s a pro at awkward dinner parties, and lifts his wineglass in a salute. “I’m just happy my daughter is happy. I’ve never seen her shine so bright.”
I place a hand on Dakota’s knee under the table. “And I’ll never dim her shine.”
This pleases Kevin and the conversation dwindles to Warner and Kevin discussing business models, and Dakota and me laughing over her childhood memories.
At the end of the dinner, I shake Kevin’s hand, telling him it was great to meet him.
As I’m about to leave, Warner sticks out his paw for me to shake. I squeeze his hand. “And I’m sure I’ll be running into you sooner rather than later.” I lean close, wanting him to remember my face because it’ll be the last thing he sees before he dies.
Chapter 9
* * *
I don’t know what the deal is with Warner and Ruin, but I don’t dare ask until we’re about halfway back to the ranch of the Diamond Kings Harmony Chapter.
“Who was that man?”
Ruin runs his hand along my thigh. “An enemy.”
I wait for him to say more, but he doesn’t continue his thought. “Is he the man you’re looking for?”
Ruin lifts my hand and brings it to his lips as he drives my SUV. “What makes you think I’m looking for someone?”