Page 81 of Blood Union (Dark Witch Chronicles 3)
Coffee mug in hand, I take my seat on the couch as the room steadily fills up with those of us ready to make a plan. Tarnley sits beside me, with Rainey and Elijah on the opposite side of him, Brad standing beside him, and Delaney and Cole on another couch right beside Fearghas, Eira, and Ridley.
Rachel, Deissy, and Felix stand in the corner alongside Drexel and Magnolia, while Willa, Z, Paloma, Harrie, and my father linger on the opposite side of the room. Our last-minute arrivals, Nat, Anthony, and a female hunter I haven’t met yet, move into the room, remaining closest to the door.
“Great. Everyone’s here.” Rainey stands.
“Aren’t we missing the psychic?” Willa questions.
“He’s pretty out of it,” Rachel announces. “Tore some stitches last night, so I knocked him out with some meds.”
Willa nods in understanding.
Rainey continues, “Now, according to Natalia’s intel, we have a traitor in our midst. Therefore, nothing that is said leaves this room.” She slowly glances around. “And this narrows the guilty-party-list down should something end up getting leaked,” she adds, the underlying threat lingering in the air around us. “Understood?”
Everyone offers nods.
“Fan-fucking-tastic.” Crossing her arms, she turns to my father. “Any word on the council’s movements?”
He nods. “I reached out to my contact last night, and according to her, most of them scattered.”
“Most?” I ask him.
“Odette and Elliot lingered behind. They’ve taken up post in the Billing’s headquarters and are surrounded by wards and those supernaturals who didn’t bail after the fight yesterday.”
“I thought you wanted them all to run?” Drexel asks.
“We wanted them to split up, yes, but having Odette here means we can keep an eye on her.”
“Keep your enemies close,” Nat adds, with a wink.
Drexel’s cheeks flush, and Magnolia glares at the female hunter, who seems to rather enjoy the jealousy. “Got it.”
“Can she not escape the same way we made it out of your safe house?” Magnolia asks. “Surely you’re not the only one with that magic?”
“It’s possible,” I tell her. “Though that spell is not widely known. The witch I learned it from died about a century ago, and so far, I haven’t run across anyone else who can do it.”
“We are best to not underestimate Odette,” my father reminds me.
“So we assume Odette has a back-door plan, got it.” Rainey takes a deep breath. “Elijah and I were up all night, coming up with a plan, and I think we nailed it.”
“Bet you nailed something,” Ridley jokes.
Fearghas slams his fist into the fae’s arm. “Watch it.”
Ridley beams down at him. “Just saying. My room is right next door to theirs.”
“Can you two knock it off already? Life or death matters at hand,” Eira scolds.
Fearghas looks completely embarrassed, which only causes Ridley’s grin to spread.
“Continue,” Eira tells Rainey, with a side-eye glare at Ridley.
“Anyways,” Rainey starts, as she withdraws her knife and begins tapping the tip of it against her palm. “We believe that we need to send teams to each of the council locations. We hit them fast, all at once, so they don’t have time to scatter.”