Page 11 of Heads or Tails
Rose felt herself let out another laugh, dipping the end piece of her fried donut into the chocolate sauce once more.
She hadn’t had this much fun on a date in … well, forever.
Dylan had kept her on her toes the entire night. Weaving in and around subjects that stimulated her brain in more ways than any man had. He had such fascinating views on everything. Coming from a shifter background and as a music producer in the very industry she hoped to be in one day ... each aspect had given her a fresh perspective.
She couldn’t help herself from slowly falling. Into what, she truly didn’t know. Whether it was lust or love, either felt like a dream.
Finishing up the last of their dessert, Rose grabbed her wine glass and chanced a look around the restaurant. As per their last date, they were the only table left in the entire establishment.
It made her smile. She really did lose track of time whenever she was around him. Their own little private bubble secluded them from the regular hubbub.
A few of the waitstaff were mulling about, pulling up chairs and stacking them on top of the tables while others ran the carpet sweeper.
She turned back to Dylan, speaking in a hushed tone. “I think they’re trying to tell us we’ve overstayed our welcome.”
He glanced over, brushing his napkin over his mouth. The corners of his eyes crinkled. “I think this may be a record. Two dates in a row getting chased out by the employees.”
She laughed, setting her wine glass down. “They really should have a last call.”
“I believe they already might’ve. We’re just bad at listening.”
Amused, Rose grabbed her bag off the floor and stood with him. Feeling flirtatious, she reached across the table to try and grab the folder with the bill inside. It was quickly snatched from her hands the second she lifted it up from the table.
“Nice try.”
She smiled widely but soon after blinked in surprise when Dylan pulled out a wad of cash from his pocket. He unclipped it and slipped a few hundreds inside the pocket, flipping the folder closed with his finger.
He caught her stare and gave her a wink. “Since we kept them so late.”
She felt charmed all over again.
Dylan took her hand and led her out of the restaurant, both of them apologizing to the front staff behind the hostess desk. She truly did feel bad about making them all stick around for so long while she and Dylan couldn’t seem to shut up with each other.
But that draw to him was deep and real. Their time spent together was never enough, even with the hours they’d been looped inside of a conversation. She didn’t think she could ever get enough, really. Even if they talked until they both passed out from sheer exhaustion.
She had no idea what that said about her, but she hoped she hadn’t been coming across as desperate to him. The last thing she wanted was for this whole thing to be done out of pity for her and not because Dylan actually liked her.
She hoped it was the latter. She hoped he felt the deep connection just as much as she did.
“So …” he said.
She looked at him, feeling her cheeks heat when he flexed his hand around hers. It felt nice to have his hand wrapped around hers like this, his long fingers enveloping hers completely.
“So,” she smiled.
He turned to her. “You know, since we were on the topic of the Ramones and Dead Kennedys … I do have both of their debut albums on vinyl. First edition classics.”
She felt her eyes widen. “You’re kidding me.Theactual first editions?”
“Got them from a collector last summer. Big punk-head. He had all of the classics on original vinyl.”
Her mouth dropped open. He grinned, showing off his sharp canines that sent a strange zing through her body. “You want to come over and listen to them? I’ve got this crazy record player setup.”
Rose’s mouth snapped shut, warmth pooling in her belly. She knew exactly what the words were behind the statement he was telling her ... or well, shehopedthey were there.
She’d never been one to go out with a guy and sleep with him on the first date. Or the second either. She was the type of woman that liked to be exclusive for a few months before giving it up.
But, damn. His offer was so tempting. Dylan’s charm and his wit, and the knowledge and passion he had surrounding her own passions were enough to completely set her soul on fire. Enough that it was really making her consider her “no sex before exclusivity” clause.