Page 56 of Fifteen Shooting Stars
Maybe Greg is afraid we’re all assholes.
Brice didn’t seem to take any offense. Either he was used to hearing it, or he’d come to accept it.
“Our father was a cruel man. We are nothing like him,” Brice stated.
“Maybe we should ask the people you do business with. I think they could provide a more accurate picture of the family,” I said.
“I’m not saying you’d want to go head-to-head with us in business,” said Brice. “But personally, we are nothing alike. James had no respect for women. Pretty much no respect for human life. His behavior is something none of us are proud of. As a family, we unite and try to make amends for his doings.”
“What exactly did he do?” I asked. “Rhonda has told me some, but not much.”
“Colton, I cannot stress enough that this conversation should not take place in front of anyone other than family,” Brice said.
Jack said, “Colton, hearing what they have to tell you is more important than my being here.”
I nodded and he left. Then I turned back to Brice and I said, “You have no more excuses. Let’s hear what horrendous thing my so-called father did.”
“I suggest you sit. This is not easy to hear or to say,” Brice instructed.
Not that I wanted to, but I did as he suggested.
Logan said, “Colton, you’re not going to like what you learn. Are you sure you want to know? Sometimes ignorance is bliss.”
“What if what I don’t know is what is standing between me and Annabella?” I asked.
“Then we have a bigger problem than we think.” Brice responded. “You have more siblings than you know of, obviously more than we do too. Every time we think we’ve found them all, another one appears.”
“So our dad couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. He’s not the first man to fuck everyone he could.”Just a dog on two feet.
“He was a sick bastard and I hate to admit he was my father. But it’s not that simple,” Logan said.
He nodded to Brice and Brice said, “I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept of human trafficking.”
“Yes. But since we are blood relatives, he didn’t steal, or buy any of us,” I reminded him.
“Not us, but our mothers,” he said.
There was no need to ask if he was joking. Even as he uttered the words, I could see the look of disgust on his face.
“He would travel to a foreign country,” Brice continued, “have sex with a virgin, and if she became pregnant, he’d bring her to the United States until she delivered the baby. He needed to ensure that we were all US citizens. After we were born, our mothers were sent home to live out their lives in shame.”
“What the fuck? You mean he was allowed to do this again and again?” I asked. Logan nodded. “What kind of country knows this and doesn’t stop it?”
Bennett said, “Tabiq. It’s a very poor country that most people don’t even know exists. James preyed upon their desperation and the people there paid the price.”
“By selling their virgins. Sounds like they aren’t all that innocent,” I snarled.
“For the most part, they are. It was a corrupt government, and your father used his skills in business to show them how to utilize women for profit,” Bennett stated.
“And that all stopped when James died?” I asked.Or is it still going on?
“I wish it had. Unfortunately, the systems he put in place continued without him,” Bennett said.
“You’re speaking past tense. Does that mean it is over? The people of Tabiq no longer have to worry about being sold?” I asked.
Brice said, “For the most part, that is correct. But greed is a powerful thing, and it means we must continue to monitor what’s going on there and help them to become stronger financially.”
“I don’t know what you mean. Are you running a country?” I asked.