Page 55 of Fifteen Shooting Stars
I regretted how much I drank last night. My head was throbbing. Then again, I hadn’t felt right since Greg told me to leave, and based on the expression on Bennett’s face, I had a feeling my headache was about to worsen.
“Thought it’d be better if we came to your hotel room. More private,” he said as I let him and Logan inside.
With them was another man I hadn’t met yet. He was tall like Logan, but I could tell he had a couple of years on him.
“Who are you?” I asked, before letting him pass through the doorway.
“Brice Henderson, your half-brother,” he replied.
Great. Should we invite the entire clan so everyone knows my personal business?
“And you’re here why?” I asked, after he was inside and the door closed.
“In case there are any questions Bennett can’t answer. I’m the oldest…well, the oldest raised in the house with our father.”
Maybe I’m not the only one adopted out.
I wanted to ask, but that wasn’t going to change things between me and Annabella. I might be a Henderson by blood, but my only thought was to make things right with her and her parents.
Pulling out my cell phone, I sent a quick text to Jack.
Logan and Brice sat down. Bennett continued to stand even though there were empty seats. His body language reminded me of Jack when he went into protective mode. I didn’t know anything about Bennett other than he was married to Zoey, and that my new nephews and niece loved being with them.
A knock on the door told me Jack had arrived.
“Are you expecting someone?” Bennett asked.
Logan answered, “I mentioned he’d traveled with a friend - Detective Jack Morgan.”
Brice stepped into my path as I went to answer the door. “We’d prefer not to have anyone other than family at this meeting.”
And I’d prefer not to be a Henderson. Can’t always get what you want.
I opened the door anyway, making my point. Then I moved onto introductions. “Jack, this is Bennett Stone, my brother-in-law, and my half-brother, Brice Henderson. Whatever you gentlemen have to say, you can speak freely in front of Jack.”
Brice said, “Pigheaded like a Henderson for sure.” Then he looked at Bennett and said, “Tell him what you found.”
Bennett nodded. “Gregory Montgomery used to work for James Henderson as his personal chauffeur. He quit over twenty years ago. There was no record on his file of misconduct. There can only be an assumption of a disagreement.”
“Maybe he just didn’t want to work for anyone else. I know he started his own company somewhere around that time,” Jack said.
“James was paying him a substantial amount to be at his beck and call. I cannot see him leaving just to work twice as hard running his own business,” Bennett stated.
I looked at Brice and said, “Since you’re here, what do you have to add?”
“No facts, but I would guess that he stumbled upon things that my…thatourfather was doing and couldn’t stand the thought of working for him any longer,” Brice responded.
“What kind of things are you talking about?” I asked.
Brice looked at Jack and then back at me. “We can discuss that another time.”
“Illegal things,” Jack said. “But the guy is dead. And I’m not here on official business. I’m here because Colton deserves to know what the hell he’s getting into by learning he was born a Henderson. I’ve done my research. I know James Henderson was a feared business tycoon. Crushed anyone who stood in his way. He passed his business savvy down to his children. What I don’t know is if that’s all he passed down,” Jack stated.