Page 17 of Broken Illusions (Ashryn Barker 2)
There's really only one place left to check. I saunter over to the big cabinet, and pull open the doors, groaning when I spot what's lurking in there, waiting for us.
"How are you at safe cracking?" I ask Bram.
"It'll take a while, but I can do it," he replies.
"Better get cracking then." I point towards the ugly green box in the wardrobe.
"Did you just make a pun?" He sounds bemused, like that's the last thing he expects from me.
He has a point. It's not very me like behaviour.
"Unintentionally," I answer honestly. If I lie, he might end up expecting me to be funny a lot more of the time.
"Alright then. Can I have the knife you got from your room please?"
He holds out his hand, as if he expects me to listen. Which I suppose is fair enough. At this point, I'll do pretty much anything to get this show on the road. I place the knife in his hand, and he nods his thanks. .
I feel pretty useless watching him work. But there's very little I can do except stand guard. Only problem is, the scratching at the safe is kind of distracting even for my super hearing, and it makes it difficult to tell if there's people approaching.
At least, it is until I hear voices. "Bram," I hiss.
"Yes?" He's still working on the safe intently, so I only have half his attention, which is annoying.
"There's someone coming."
"My thoughts exactly." I look around the room frantically as I speak, trying to find somewhere for us to hide, and failing miserably. There's only one thing for it. "In here," I say, pulling on his jacket and moving him into the cupboard space. It's going to be tight with two of us in there. Not that we have any choice. It's this or...
Best not to think of that.
The door to the Commander's office opens just as I shut us in. Bram slips his arms around me, and pulls me tight against him. I won't admit how much I like it.
The crack between the panels let's us see out, which is good. I like being able to tell what's going on, and this way, we might even get some answers.
Behind me, Bram sucks in a sharp breath, and it takes me a moment to realise why. One of the men in the room is without a doubt the Commander. I'd recognise him anywhere. But it's the other two people with him that surprise me.
"What do you want, Lincoln?" Dimitri asks, sounding tired, but not at all concerned to be in the headquarters of his supposed enemy.
"We need to talk about your new vampire."
This time, it's my turn to take in a sharp breath. Why would they want to talk about me? I'm a nobody to both of them.
"The Barker girl, yes." The Commander pours himself a glass of amber coloured liquid, and swigs it down in one go. I wonder if that's just normal behaviour for him, or if it's because there's two vampires in the room with him.
Well, four. But as far as I'm aware, he doesn't know two of us are here. I hope he doesn't anyway.
"She seems perfectly nice to me." Dimitri studies his nails as he speaks, and I can't decide if it's because he thinks I'm that boring, or if it's just him trying to appear as if I'm of little importance.
"I need her."
"For what?" Eric asks, speaking for the first time.
Dimitri glares at his friend. .Maybe this was a seen and not heard situation.
"She is an abomination."