Page 16 of Broken Illusions (Ashryn Barker 2)
"Isn't that the million dollar question?" I half-joke. That#s been playing on my mind as well. "I'm not entirely sure, but I'm guessing it's in the Commander's office," I tell him. Bram nods.
We lapse into silence as we make our way through the last corridor. Still no people, which is odd, but good for us. I'm not exactly inconspicuous with the colour of my hair. Nor with Bram in tow. There may be a lot of hunters about, but most of them knew each other. It was a small, and tight, community. Even if most of us, no them, hated each other.
The large ornate door stood in front of us, and I wave Bram closer. Even before, I thought the door was ridiculous, but now, having seen how Dimitri ran his vampires, I think it's even more so. There's no need for all the mystery and intrigue the Commander insists on. He'd probably gain more respect if he was open about his power.
And yet again, I'm showing how my perceptions have changed.
I'm a lot more disillusioned than I was. And I think that's a good thing. At least it means I can make more well informed decisions about my own life.
I press my ear against the door, trying to work out if there's anyone on the other side. Nothing, as far as I can tell. But I give it another minute just in case.
Still nothing. Not even the rustle of fabric against fabric as someone fidgets.
We're safe then.
I place my hand on the doorknob, and am completely surprised when it actually opens. "I guess he thinks his reputation will keep everyone out," I mutter.
Bram chuckles. "Sounds like someone on a power trip."
"Oh, he definitely is that."
Even already knowing there's no one in the room, I scan back and forth anxiously, looking around for someone who may have been lingering regardless. I want to be in and out as quickly as possible, but considering we're working off my six year old memory, that may not be as easy as I think it is.
"Let's start looking then," I say, exasperated already.
"Do you remember what it looks like?" he asks.
"Not really. I was young, and didn't know I needed to pay attention." I grimace. Annoying when life works like that.
"I thought as much."
"Did Dimitri not..."
"No. He just sent me after the knife. No description other than I'd know it when I saw it."
"I trust Dimitri, I didn't think there'd be any complications in this."
"Until you got lumped with me, anyway," I joke.
"So far you've been more of an asset than a detriment," he admits, walking over to a shelf and going up on his toes to look at what's up there.
My chest puffs up with pride. I realise it's weird to be so proud of something so trivial, but I've been brought up being judged on what I can do. And not getting a lot of praise for that. So this kind of thing? It means the world.
I start looking through some drawers, slightly repulsed to find a string of what appear to be vampire fangs in one of them. Not what I want to see. And kind of disgusting to boot. Who wants to keep them about? It's some kind of warped reminder of a misspent youth? It can't be anything else really.
"Anything yet?" Bram asks.
; "Nope. Not even the hint of a blade. You?"
"He must keep it somewhere." I throw down a cloth in frustration. In all the films I've ever seen, the bad guys always seem to make it super easy to find the things they didn't want the good guys to have.
Maybe we're struggling because we only think we're the good guys? And actually aren't? But then, does that fit with what I'd experienced in my switch between human and vampire? I don't think it does.