Page 15 of Shattered Illusions (Ashryn Barker 1)
“I don’t expect you to, Bram,” I reply. “What kind of name is Bram anyway? Are you related to Bram Stoker?” I’m genuinely curious. If he is, it’d be cool. I’ve always liked Dracula, something about the truly evil vampire calls to me.
Maybe cause deep down I already knew the truth. Or maybe I’m just thinking that so the guilt doesn’t set in. Effectively, whether I like it or not, I’m a serial killer.
“Of course I’m fucking not. I was around years before that ass.” He sounds indigent. Oops. Not quite my intention. But he really should try and not be so touchy. Its bound to lose him friends.
“Alright, it was just a question.” I hold up my hands in surrender, then continue the walk down the corridor.
“You’re going the wrong way,” he says. I scowl. Hardly my fault he’s a useless guide.
My scowl deepens, and I turn around, striding past him and in what was hopefully now the right direction.
“Here you are. In one piece, as promised,” Bram mutters the first words he’s said to me since our spat in the hallway, before striding off to do whatever he does during the night. I do wonder about that. What do vampires live off? Are they all just really good at investments like books try to say? Or do they work night shifts? I saw a TV show once where a vampire was a hospital porter. It was from the early two thousands though, so most likely outdated by now.
I look around, unsurprised he just seems to have abandoned me on a roof. A roof. An empty one at that. Great, now what am I supposed to do?
“You must be Ashryn.”
I jump. Which is a bit stupid of me really. I know I’m supposed to be meeting this Eric person, so why am I so surprised that he’s turned up?
“Yes, and you must be Eric?” I respond, turning in the direction of the voice. Shadows cover him, except for his feet, which seem to be clad in neon shoes. Odd. They went out of style years ago, and for good reason. Several, actually.
“I am.”
Silence fills the air. This is awkward. I need him to tell me why I’m here. Everyone else has been so cryptic on the matter that I’m clueless, and I hate being clueless. Its right there next to damsel in distress in the things-Ashryn-isn’t book.
“Want to tell me what’s going on?” I ask once I’ve had enough waiting. I tap my foot impatiently, and rest my hand on one of my stakes.
“Why do you keep them on you still?” Eric asks, his shadowy head nodding towards the stake at my hip.
“This is my second day as a vampire, let me still hold on to some human habits,” I snap back.
“It’s your fourth, actually. You were unconscious for a while. We were worried you wouldn’t make it.” His voice is calming. Not quite like Remus’ is. But calming all the same. I like it. It reminds me of a serene lake I once saw in a photo.
“Point still stands.” I pout. I really should stop doing that. It’s highly unbecoming.
“It might not be a bad thing for you to keep them,” he muses.
Great. I’m dealing with a cryptic vampire. This da- night just keeps getting better.
“Noted,” I say instead of voicing my annoyance. Really, that’s a much better way to go anyway.
“How do you feel about prophecies?” He must be joking, right? Please tell me he’s joking.
“They’re beyond poppycock,” I answer.
“Good. Cause if you believed in them you’d be screwed,” he says, stepping out of the shadows for the first time.
My breath catches in my throat. He’s quite possibly the most beautiful being I’ve ever seen in my life. I’ve found other vampires attractive, but they have nothing on this man. He looks as if angels carved him. I actually feel kind of intimidated just being in his presence.
“Always reassuring.” I’m torn between asking for clarification, storming off, or losing it completely and letting myself drool. The last option is winning at the moment.
“If you don’t believe in prophecies anyway, you’re perfectly safe,” he assures me.
I call bullshit. Everyone knows that’s not how prophecies work. They pick the person, not the other way
I meet Eric’s eyes, and am immediately distracted by the sparkling intensity there. They’re still dark, all the vampires’ eyes seemed to be. My own included despite me knowing I definitely had green eyes just days ago. But there’s a sparkle to them that others just don’t seem to have.