Page 14 of Shattered Illusions (Ashryn Barker 1)
“A vampire,” he answers cryptically.
“No shit,” I mutter.
“I’m sorry, Ashryn. We don’t ge
t on. It isn’t fair to Eric for me to tell you anything about him. You’ll find out soon enough.”
That’s reassuring. How am I supposed to prepare myself for the morning, if I have no idea what to expect? Silly vampires. No, not vampires. Just silly men.
Chapter Seven
I’m woken by an abrupt banging on my bedroom door, and groan loudly. I’ve got a splitting headache, whether from the burns, the blood, or too much sleep, I’m not sure.
“Will you hurry up in there?” a familiar voice demands. “I don’t have all day to be babysitting a newbie vampire.”
“And I don’t have time to babysit an asshole,” I mutter in the direction of the door, not intending for him to hear me. Then again, he may have done with his vamp super hearing and all that. I’m sure I’m safe though. Dimitri pretty much seems to be the one in charge, and he’s made it clear I’m okay. Ergo, even Bram can’t do anything to me. Even if he does hate me.
I pull on the clothes that have helpfully been left at the end of my bed. My money, if I had any, would be on Remus for making sure they’re there. He’s exactly the type to do the little things like that.
The clothing is practical, and pretty much what I’m used to. Definitely Remus then. The leather is new, so a little stiff, but it fits me perfectly. By force of habit, I add my holsters and weapons. Except for the holy water. Having seen what that can do to a vampire, I have no desire to carry it again. Sure, if someone attacks me, I can use it against them. But it could easily backfire and end up me covered in the stuff and melting into the ground. I’ll pass, thanks.
I check myself in the mirror, the no reflection thing having long been disproved, and am only a little surprised to see I look healthier than before. My skin is brighter, my hair shinier, and I can almost swear my body is filling out in a very different way than before. Well, okay, not very different, but I certainly look like I have more curves than before. I can get used to this.
Satisfied, I turn away from my reflection and close the short distance to the door. Swinging it open, I smirk when I see a clearly disgruntled Bram standing on the other side. He’s clearly aggravated. And glaring. I won’t admit it aloud, not even to my non-existent best friend, but the brooding angry look is kind of sexy. It’s a pity I don’t sleep with assholes. For him that is.
“Mor- Evening,” I correct myself almost instantly, berating myself for my slip up. It may take a while for me to get used to the day-night switch around. Theoretically, vampires can be awake during the day, but I understand why they choose not to be. We. Why we choose not to be.
“Yes,” he says gruffly. Oops, I must really piss him off. What a shame.
“I take it you’re my escort to Eric?” I ask sweetly, and his frown deepens. Excellent, killing with kindness it is.
“Yes.” Even before he finishes saying the tiny word, he’s spun on his heels and is walking off down the corridor. He can’t be this pissed off I’m a former hunter, surely? There must be more to it. Or maybe it’s just me as a person who infuriates him. I’ve never really had a chance to practice my people skills, so there’s a good chance they well and truly suck. Though I hope not.
I hurry along after him, my slightly shorter legs not struggling too much. Thankfully. This is one of those occasions where I’m happy to be tall.
“Where are we going?” I ask when the curiosity, and the silence, become too much for me. I think I’ve spent too much time on my own over the years, and now, my head seems to think it’s time to socialise with as many people as possible. Isn’t that just delightful? Thanks, brain.
“To see Eric. Are you really this forgetful?” he demands, not turning to look at me.
“Maybe I should forget I’m a vampire now and stake you,” I mutter before I can stop myself.
This time, he reacts, and spins around to face me. He backs me up against a wall and presses his hand into my neck. Almost breaking off my air supply. Wait, do I need that? Wow, I really don’t know much about vampires. How has the guild survived this long? Or maybe it has because we don’t know much? That’s a question for another day. Like when there isn’t a much larger vampire with his hand around my neck.
“I wouldn’t do that,” I say, my voice cracking slightly. Good to know. Being strangled still affects vocal cords. I file the information away. This may all be useful at some point.
He glances down, then up at me, shock written all over his face. I sigh.
“Always the same. You all watch the stakes, and don’t notice the sai,” I say as he loosens his grip on my neck. It feels almost instantly better, which makes me think its the pressure more than anything else that was stopping my voice from working.
I, on the other hand, don’t move the sai that’s currently pressed over where his heart is. If he has one that is. I want him to know he shouldn’t mess with me. That it’s dangerous to do so, and that I’m not afraid to defend myself if I need to.
We stand there in silence, both sizing each other up. In this case, I don’t think I need to say anything. The very real threat is also very obvious, and the look on his face says he knows it.
“Well played, Barker,” he says eventually, his look of shock changing to one of begrudging respect. I smile to myself, but only inwardly. I can’t let him see any emotion right now. To Bram, I raise a knowing eyebrow. I have him on the back foot, and he knows it. Even as a human, I was fast. Now I’m a vampire...well, even I can feel the difference in speeds. It makes me wonder how I managed to defeat so many vampires. With speed like this, its a wonder I, or any other hunter, ever got the upper hand.
“Thanks,” I say, slipping my sai back into its holster. I don’t think I would’ve gone through with it. I hope I wouldn’t have. That’s a bad impression to make while I’m still new here.
“Don’t think this means I like you,” Bram says.