Page 11 of Shattered Illusions (Ashryn Barker 1)
But, it seems I have no choice, especially given one of them is heading straight for Remus and I.
If looks could kill, I’d be as dead as a doornail right now. I’m not sure exactly what I’ve done to this man, but given who I am, I can make a good guess. This really isn’t going to end very well for me if I’m not careful.
Other than the angry face, I guess he’s kind of alright to look at. Strong jaw, wide shoulders, a body most men would die for and most women would throw themselves at. Most gay guys would too. Basically, anyone who was into men, and then maybe some more. But one thing he isn’t is classically handsome. It’s his aura that makes him so imposing, and so attractive.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing bringing her here?” the man growls at Remus, who doesn’t surprise me with his response. All he does is raise an eyebrow, and give the man an assessing look that’s far more intimidating than any growling.
“Dimitri asked me to bring her, that’s all you need to know, Bram.” He’s so stern that it sends a little thrill through me. Until I tamp it down, anyway. I can’t be thinking about him like that. I can’t be interested in any vampire. Especially when he’s as much as said he won’t do anything with me.
I find that far more disappointing than I should.
“Dimitri shouldn’t have brought her here in the first place,” Bram says, the anger still completely there. He really doesn’t like me. What a surprise.
“Look, Bram, is it?” I ask, and he looks at me in complete shock. He probably didn’t expect me to actually address him. Must be one of those centuries old vamps that still think women should be seen and not heard. I have some major news for him if that’s the case. “I don’t know what I did to you, but whatever it is, it can’t be changed. I’m here now, there’s bugger all you can do about it.” I put my hands on my hips as I finish speaking, aware it pushes my breasts out, and made more so by the male eyes that are now fixated on them.
So easy to predict.
“You’re a vampire hunter, what more do I need to know?” he hisses.
“A hell of a lot more,” I return. “Don’t think I won’t stake you if you mess with me.” I channel as much of my piss offed-ness into my eyes as I can. It’s not my fault I’m here. Neither is it his. We both need to suck it up and see what happens with it.
“How many vampires have you killed?” he snarls.
Not an awkward question at all. Or you know, one that involves me actually working it out. I try and run the numbers in my head, and, for the first time in my life, I feel disgust over what I’ve done. Who was I to decide who should live and who should die? And yet, I have done. Time and time again I’ve made the decision for someone. What if some of them were like Remus? He’s been nothing but kind to me. Or even like Dimitri, who hasn’t been unkind? And if I’m being completely fair, and I should be, then even Bram isn’t being rude for no reason.
“You don’t know do you?” he demands. “And you wonder why you’re not welcome.”
“No, I don’t know,” I snap back. “But if you think it’s as easy as just saying you’re not going to do it, you’re in for a real surprise.” I spin on my heels and stalk off in the direction of the table Dimitri’s sat at. It has several spare seats, two of which I’m assuming are for Remus and myself.
I can hear the two men muttering, but I have no idea what they’re actually saying. I don’t care either. Why should I? It’s not like anything they say or do is going to change me as a person. Nor the other way around. Regardless of anything, I am who I am. And I’m here now. There really is nothing any of them can do about it.
Reaching the table, I collapse into one of the chairs, and lean back in it, huffing to myself. On my left, Dimitri chuckles, as if knowing what it is that being here costs me.
“I see you met Bram.”
“Thanks for the warning,” I mutter. I like to prepare, especially when not doing so ends up like this. Dimitri chuckles again.
“Did you really expect there to be no backlash, Ashryn? You’re infamous round here.”
“Infamous?” I perk up. That’s the kind of word a woman doesn’t mind hearing.
“Up until last night, you were one of the most successful hunters they had. You can’t say you hadn’t noticed?” He’s still amused, I can tell, but there’s also something akin to admiration in his voice. I can go with that.
“I had,” I respond. Now isn’t the time or place for false modesty. As far as I can tell, vampires are a lot like human men. Or at least, the human men I encountered at the guild. They respect people with power. Whether that’s physical strength, or something a bit more, I guess it depends on the man. Dimitri is one who respects the other stuff, I think. And I’m not just talking magic or supernatural powers either. I think he respects brains, and discipline, and determination. I may be wrong. But I don’t think so.
“Exactly, it’s not gone unnoticed in our society.”
“You’re not supposed to know my name at all. No one outside the guild should.” I clamp my mouth shut. No way should I be revealing that. They aren’t even supposed to know the guild exists, never mind the names of individual hunters. There’d be a shit storm if this ever came out. A little part of me hopes it does. It would serve them right for sending me on a mission without backup. No wonder things ended the way they have. Yippee for me.
“It’s kind of hard not to know it when you’re instilling fear into vampires the city over.” He studies his fingernails as he speaks, but I can still see him watching me under his eyelashes.
I scoff.
“I doubt that. You’re all far stronger than I am. Not to mention faster and older. Most of you have a lot more training…” I stop talking, realising I’m revealing far too much. Not about the guild this time at least, but about myself. Dimitri doesn’t need to know I’m so insecure about myself that I wonder about these things every time I go on a mission. No, went on a mission. I doubt I’ll be going on anymore now. If I turn up at the guild’s door in my current state, the only thing I’d get is a stake through the chest. Maybe they’d even lecture me about getting myself turned in the first place. To be fair, if it was someone else, I’d be first in line for giving the lecture.
“Never underestimate yourself. That’s when other people start winning,” he says. He’s still only half watching me. Maybe he knows what my other power is, and he’s trying to avoid showing me his secret. I bet it’s a good one.