Page 5 of El Segador
“I just met her before I came here.” I glanced up at Reaper. “I got the impression she thought she was in trouble. Probably thought to use me as a diversion.”
“That’s right,” Reaper said to Samson. “I came on them both together when Celeste realized the little imp was missing.”
“You here to spy on us?” Again, Samson asked the question. It wasn’t cruel or accusing, just a bit abrasive.
“Spy? Why in the world would I do that? No. I’m not spying.” I backed a couple steps away from everyone, only to back up against Reaper. I jumped and turned abruptly stumbling and falling against him. His arms closed around me automatically. Grinning down at me, he tightened his hold on me and didn’t immediately let me go.
“Relax, honey. We’re not accusing.”
“Sure sounded like it.”
“Samson’s just overprotective. He’s our vice president and takes his job very seriously.
“Well, I’m not a spy. If you’re going to let me go with Holly to the beach, I need to change. If not? You get to tell Holly why. That kid has a story I don’t need to know, but I’m not gonna be the one to break her heart.”
That got me more than one raised eyebrow and several grins.
“She’s all right,” Archangel said. “Back off her, Samson.” Archangel smiled at the other man, but I could see he meant business.
“Fine,” he said, pointing a finger at me. “But I’ll be keeping an eye on you. Anything funny turns up, and I will confront you about it. No matter how many of these pussies you’ve managed to charm.” His words were gruff, but he winked at me, and I thought that might just be his personality. But honestly, I didn’t blame him. I did have secrets, and I was a stranger chatting it up with one of their children. I’d be suspicious of me too.
“All right, all right,” Reaper said, chuckling. “Back off the girl. Surely to God we can handle one little female.”
“Uh-huh. Like Shadow was able to handle Millie? Venus even said the girl could kick his ass. Hell, Shadow even admitted it. You sure this lil’ bit ain’t got Millie’s mad skills going on?” Archangel smirked.
“Well, no,” Reaper admitted. “But, honestly. How many women like that could we be unlucky enough to run into?”
“I’m not sure I like that remark,” I said, needing to butt in on behalf of all womankind.
“No?” Samson said, raising an eyebrow. “Kick his ass. Prove to me why I need to make him keep you around.”
“No one said I wanted to stay around. And I’m sure I’m not capable of kicking anyone’s ass, let alone someone as freakishly huge as Reaper. I’m here because Holly asked me to come for breakfast, likely as a deflection on her getting in trouble for running off. Breakfast is done.” I shrugged. “I’m happy to leave.”
“Like bloody hell,” Reaper muttered. Then he cleared his throat, glancing at the other men around us. “Holly wouldn’t like it.”
Samson barked out a laugh while Archangel snickered openly. “Callin’ bullshit on that one, brother. El Diablo know ’bout this?”
Reaper shrugged. “Not his business at this point. Later? We’ll see.”
“OK,” I said, trying to put some distance between me and the men in the room. “You guys are starting to make me feel unsafe. I’m leaving.”
“Who’s making you feel unsafe, my dear?” The masculine, accented voice from behind me made me gasp and whirl around. He was dressed impeccably, even in casual clothing. The woman at his side was just as elegant, but in a different way. She looked like she had it in her to be as hard as the guys surrounding me, but it wasn’t her default setting.
“All of them,” I blurted out. “They’re crowding me.”
“Back off,” the man said in a hard voice. “We don’t intimidate innocent women, and we don’t gang up on them for any reason.”
Samson raised his hands and backed away. “Just testin’ her out for El Segador, boss. Won’t happen again.”
“Well?” the boss man asked.
Samson smirked. “She passed.”
“You’re all crazy,” I said, trying to find a hole to slip through. “I’ll just be going now.”
“You know you promised Holly,” Reaper said.
“And you tested me for what reason?” I wanted to let that slide but found I just couldn’t. The nerve of these guys!