Page 4 of El Segador
I ducked my head, concentrating on eating the food on my plate. It was way more than I was used to eating in one sitting. Maybe I ate that much throughout the whole day, but I doubted it. I just wasn’t hungry most days. Mainly, it was that, if I stopped to eat, it meant thinking about my situation. When I did, I lost my appetite and got depressed.
“Aww, didn’t mean to embarrass you, darlin’.”
“You didn’t.” When he snorted, I amended. “At least, not much. Anyway, if I ogle a guy that hard, I deserve to get called out.”
“I’m just sayin’ if you want to add me to your bucket list, I’m willing to make the sacrifice.”
My head snapped up so I could look at him then. “Sacrifice?”
“Well, yeah. I mean, it’s hard on a man my age to naked wrestle with a girl your age. But I’m willing to sacrifice my body for your cause.”
God, I wish I’d had more experience with men. I had no idea how to take this guy. Was he making fun of me or was he sincere?
“I think maybe it’s time I go,” I said as I laid the fork in my plate. “I have a lot to get done today.”
“You’re going?” Holly turned from where she was eating at the table with the other kids. “But you just got here!”
“I know, sweetie, but I really do need to get back.”
Holly looked puzzled and scrunched her nose. “To the beach? Or were you living in that house next to where you were sleeping?”
I started to answer no, but thought better of it when I saw Reaper. His gaze was glued to me, as if my answer were extremely important to him. “I like to walk the beach in the morning. Bit later than I usually go, but I like combing the beach for seashells.”
“Oh, boy!” Holly said. “We can go with you! I know where there’s a perfect spot for getting seashells,” the girl said with enthusiasm. “No one gets to pick ’em up but us!”
Reaper grinned. It wasn’t a reassuring sight. He looked like he was ready to eat me up. And I wasn’t all that broken up about it. “Yeah. I can take you to the stretch of beach Bane owns. Samson!” He called out the name loudly. I didn’t see anyone else, but there must have been someone close by. A moment later, a bald man with tattoos creeping up the sides of his neck walked in with a smiling woman. She had her arms wrapped around his waist as they walked side by side. He dropped a gentle kiss on top of her head before answering Reaper.
“Give Havoc a call. See if Thorn’d mind if we used the beach this morning.”
Samson nodded. “I can do that. Anything special in mind?”
“Yeah,” Holly said, bouncing up and down in her chair. “Me and Swan’re gonna hunt for seashells!”
Samson glanced at Reaper in confusion, then his gaze landed on me. “Swan, huh? Where’d she come from?”
“She came from the land of It’s None of Your Business,” I said sweetly, my smile firmly in place. “And she doesn’t like to be talked about like she’s not here.”
Archangel barked out a laugh while Reaper grinned, dropping his arm over my shoulder.
“Lottie, did you not teach your man there any manners?”
The woman with Samson laughed, burying her face in his chest. “Well, I tried. Obviously, it didn’t take.”
“Look, I appreciate you making me feel welcome and all, and thank you, Holly, for inviting me over for breakfast, but I really do need to get going.” Because I could really see myself falling for this entire club. They didn’t seem like anything I’d ever thought about when I envisioned biker clubs. The people I’d met so far were friendly and open. Maybe the guys flirted a little too much, but I couldn’t honestly say I hadn’t enjoyed the banter.
“You can go after we find the perfect seashell,” Holly said, getting up from her place at the table and throwing herself into my arms. “Me and you and Bella are all gonna be best friends!”
My heart melted. If it hadn’t been for Holly, I’d have brushed everyone off, waved a jaunty goodbye, and left without remorse. But I just couldn’t. There was something about the little girl that tugged at my heartstrings. She had the look of someone who’d seen a lot in her young life. Maybe I recognized something of myself in her. Whatever the reason, I found myself hugging her back and agreeing to stay.
“Fine,” I said. “But only until we find the perfect seashell.”
“Hooray!” she whooped. “I’ll go get Bella. Better wear your swimsuit under your clothes,” she said. “We can play in the water while we look for shells.”
The girl hurried off. I smiled after her and, before I realized what was happening, I was surrounded by several of the big men. They didn’t get close enough to intimidate me, but it was clear they wanted answers.
“How long you known Holly?” Samson said. Lottie had moved to the bar to grab her own pancakes while Archangel joined the men in grilling me.