Page 14 of Daddy's Little Chica (Daddy 16)
He signaled to the waiter. “I’ll take the check, and please call for a cab.”
The waiter nodded. “I’ll be right back.”
He stood up after the check was delivered, threw some bills down, and helped her from her chair. Then, he wrapped an arm around her waist and maneuvered her out of the restaurant.
He pulled her to the side, out of the way of the pedestrians on the sidewalk, and held her against his chest. She was a tiny thing. The top of her head was even with his shoulder blades, and he loved the way she felt against him and how she wrapped her arms around his waist like they’d been doing it for months. It just felt natural.
Her scent was citrusy and made his cock even harder. His first view of her sitting in the back of the cab gave him a boner, and every minute with her made it worse until he craved her with a need he’d only heard about before.
The thought of letting her go for even a day was slowly driving him crazy. He felt he’d lose her if she were away from him, and it was taking everything in him to let her go.
The cab pulled up. “Here’s your ride, honey.”
He was pleased to see she was as unhappy to leave him as he was.
“I want you to talk to your mother tonight because I want to see you tomorrow.”
“I will.”
“Good girl.” He used his fingertips to tip her head up before he lowered his head and took her lips. It was supposed to be a simple kiss and started off soft and easy, but it quickly turned into an inferno, instantly making his already shaky control non-existent.
He raised his head. “Chica, we have to stop.” A groan tore from his throat at the desire-filled look in her eyes.
“Soon, we’ll be able to finish this.”
She nodded and licked her lips.
He groaned. “You’re going to drive me crazy.”
She looked surprised. “I don’t think so.”
He chuckled. “You won’t mean to, chica. Let’s get you out of here. I need to get back to the office.”
He opened the back of the cab and helped her into it. “I’ll wait to hear from you.”
“Okay. Thank you for lunch.”
“You’re welcome. It will be one of many.”
“I hope so.”
He shut the door and watched as the cab sped off. He couldn’t believe how dejected he felt, and she’d only been gone a few seconds.
Jesus, now he understood how his friends felt about their littles. He wanted Amber glued to his side but knew he needed to take his time or risk scaring her into running, and the thought of that would drive him insane.
He would keep busy and call her early the next day. It was his only course of action at the moment, and it sucked.