Page 13 of Daddy's Little Chica (Daddy 16)
Chapter Six
He hid his smile when her mouth dropped open in shock, and her face turned bright red. Damn, the woman wasn’t only sweet but very innocent, too, and he couldn’t believe his luck at finding her.
He reached for a roll, broke it in half, and spread butter on it before handing it to her.
His eyebrow rose when she opened her mouth to object. It would take a while for her to get used to the fact he wanted her to eat, but he knew it would take time to fix the damage her mother had done to her.
Sensitive women like her internalized more than the average woman. Their feelings ran deeper, and their whole focus was pleasing those around them.
“Eat, honey.”
She took the roll from him like it was going to bite her.
She was a delight to watch as she took a bite and closed her eyes. The moan that escaped her made drops of cum seep from the head of his cock, wetting his boxers. He’d been hard since he met her, and it only seemed to get worse with time.
Fuck, he’d never get sick of hearing that sound come from her. The only thing that would make it better was if he was in her in some way and fucking her while she groaned.
Before they were done with half of their roll, two huge plates were set in front of them.
“Oh, my God,” she exclaimed.
He chuckled. “It’s a lot of food.”
“You know we could have shared and saved some money?” she asked.
“I don’t want you to worry about money. Eat what you can.”
Twenty minutes later, she sat back and groaned. “I can’t remember ever eating anything so wonderful or so much of it.”
“You’ll be able to eat whatever you want with me.”
He watched and waited as she seemed to contemplate something, knowing she’d ask when she was ready.
“Are you serious about being with me?”
“Yes. What have we been talking about, pequeña?” he asked.
“I kind of thought you might be talking in generalizations. I wanted to make sure you were talking about me.”
“Well, I am talking about you. Of course, I’d love to get to know you, but I’d understand if you don’t feel that way about me.”
She sputtered and laughed. “I’d be crazy to say no. You’re so handsome, nice, and funny, and you make me feel special.”
“Good. It will only get better. If you’re finished, let’s get you home.”
She bit her lip and looked away. “I can take a cab home.”
“No, I want to be able to take you to your door and make sure you get there safe.”
“It’s just… I have to talk to my mother about you.”
“Remember, honey, you’re twenty-three, and she can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do or keep you from being with me.”
“It’s more complicated. Can you give me a little time?”
“Of course, but I want you to promise you’ll call me if you need me.”
“I will.”