Page 11 of Daddy's Little Hellion (Daddy 14)
Trey glanced around and saw every man was doing something to their littles. Kane had Sienna astride him facing him, and he could tell she was riding his cock and begging him to let her go faster, but he kept the pace agonizingly slow.
Travis had Nia across his lap, his hand between her legs. Nia gripped his shirt tightly in her fist, begging him to let her come.
Everywhere he looked, he saw an erotic image he would never forget.
Kinley cried out when Eli bent her over a sofa and pushed into her cunt several times.
“Are you going to tell us, love?” he asked Kinley.
“Daddy, I can’t. I pinky-promised.”
Eli sighed, pulled out of her pussy, and started pushing into her ass, making her cry out.
“Oh, my God, Daddy…”
Trey heard Jenna’s name and turned to Brylee and Gage. Gage covered her back and kissed her shoulder and neck, praising her for being a good girl.
“Now, do you want to come?”
Brylee cried out and begged.
Gage slammed into her, and within a minute, Brylee shouted out as an orgasm took her.
It seemed like every man had either heard Gage or found out his own information because they all pushed their women over.
It took a few minutes before every man was sitting back on their seat with their exhausted little in their laps.
“Brylee told me Jenna is being harassed by a boy she’d gone out with a few times. He’s physically hurting her, but she’s trying to take care of it herself. She tries to be independent and do everything herself.”
“Brylee!” Sienna exclaimed.
“I’m sorry,” Brylee said, pressed her face against Gage’s neck.
“Don’t get mad at her. Kinley told me the same thing,” Eli said.
“Nia also told me.”
Kaleb cleared his throat and nodded, indicating Aleena had told him, too.
Larkin snorted in disgust and opened her mouth to blast the girls.
“I’m very proud of you girls who came forward,” Darian said, cutting Larkin off. “You guys are the true friends. Think about this, ladies. You’re helping a friend out of what could be a very dangerous situation. The ones who told should be proud of yourselves.”
Trey watched Larkin’s eyes fill with tears, and then she was hugging Darian tightly and whispering in his ear. Whatever she said pleased him because he turned his head and took her lips in a passionate kiss.
Trey’s attention went to one of the doorways where Elder stood.
“Dinner is ready, sir.”
Darian nodded. “Thank you, Elder, we’ll be right in after we clean up.”
The men stood and went in different directions to clean themselves and their women. Trey sat back and wondered what Elder felt about what just happened. He didn’t look the least bit shocked.
Travis walked back into the room, holding Nia’s hand. “How are you doing? That was probably something you’ve never seen before.”
Trey grinned. “No, I can honestly say I haven’t. The only problem I have is having to wait for a cold shower.”
The men laughed.
“Let’s eat.” Darian led everyone to a long dining room and a table that could clearly seat thirty people.
The girls seemed subdued but ate what was in front of them, but the men talked about business throughout the meal.