Page 10 of Daddy's Little Hellion (Daddy 14)
Chapter Four
“I say we get started. Dinner’s not for another hour,” Darian suggested.
When he got everyone’s consent, Darian walked over to an intercom.
“Girls, come on down, please.”
Trey watched the girls file out of the closet. They stopped at the door and did what he thought was a pinky swear, making a few of the men grunt.
Trey followed the group of men out of the office, and they all stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for the girls. They all froze and looked at each other before they walked downstairs.
Each man grabbed their little and pulled her into a large living room with several seating arrangements, but the men went to the biggest ones and sat down with their littles in their laps.
Trey took a seat off to the side and waited.
Kane cleared his throat. “We are here tonight to find out what is going on with you girls.”
The girls glanced at each other and started to fidget.
“We don’t understand why’d you’d keep something important from us,” Travis said.
Kaleb grunted. “Girls, we’re worried and sad because you won’t trust us.”
“It’s not that—” Brylee stopped abruptly as all the girls shook their heads.
Gage stroked up and down Brylee’s leg. “Baby, it hurts me to know you’d keep a secret from me.”
“It—” She snapped her mouth shut.
Trey knew what the men were doing. They were looking for the weak link, and he guessed they found it in Brylee at the moment.
Gage picked her up, took her over to a tall table, and laid her face down. He raised the girl’s skirt and pulled her panties off. Then he looked at the other women, who stared at them with wide eyes. “We’re going to talk and persuade you girls, all night if we have to, and we’re not leaving until you tell us.”
Gage pulled a tube out of his pocket. He flipped the lid and put the nozzle to her asshole, then squeezed.
“Wait, Daddy, please—”
Gage looked down at his girl. “Are you ready to tell me?”
Brylee smacked her forehead down on the wood. “I can’t. I pinky-promised everyone.”
“Well then. Let’s continue.”
Trey was shocked and highly turned on when Gage pulled his cock out of his pants and started pressing the swollen red head into her tiny asshole.
“Daddy,” Brylee wailed. “It burns.”
“It’s supposed to, baby.”
He started fucking her in slow, steady strokes, and within a few minutes, she was pushing back against him and begging him to let her come.
“I’ll let you come when you tell me what’s going on.”
Trey turned his head to see Larkin over Darian’s lap, her bare ass up in the air.
Larkin squirmed and then cried out when Darian’s hand started to smack down on Larkin’s ass.
It didn’t look like a punishment but more like he was trying—and it looked like he was succeeding—to arouse her.